Brass pen

Date: 9/19/2020

By lazylucid

I'm in a huge room. Curtains are blocking most of the light. They're far away. I get up off a bed. This was not in my room, I look around and at my hands. What woke me up? It was the sound of my pen rolling along a table and hitting the floor (important: my pen is designed like a hexagon and will not roll -- in waking life). I pick it up and carry it to the window. As I walk to the window I feel a pain on my face. I touch my upper left cheek and it's swollen. (I have a sneaking suspicion that I've actually woken up in someone else's body). I get the impression that I've woken up in someone else's body. I look down at the floor trying to make sure I remember details about the dream. The floor is wooden, light brown stained with long straight 2 inch thick patterns vertically from the window. Everything goes black suddenly. I feel myself being pulled through darkness I'm fully awake while in pitch blackness. I try to fight it but I cannot. I feel myself trying to blink but then I remember that I'm seeing without eyes. I relax and stop struggling and feel myself gently placed back into my bed.