I don't care about my Hobo Ex-Boyfriend, I just want tacos

Date: 7/24/2017

By toxxicduck

In my second dream of the night, I lived downtown and worked at a bar. The bar was the tiniest hole in the wall that was barely half as big as my bedroom. The only lights within it were from blue neon lights, so everything was glowing blue. There were only two tiny round tables, that each had a single chair at it, and a small booth where the bar was. I hardly remember the beginning of the dream, but I think that even though I worked at the bar, I was still drinking and partying at it. The first thing I remember clearly, is leaving my apartment to go to work at the bar. It was nighttime, but the sky was still a bit blue; dusk, and the streetlights were all a reddish color. I had it on my mind that I was working on an art project for the bar that involved neon lights. I was in charge of making awesome neon light art, I guess. I was really excited for it and was thinking about all the different ideas I had. Then I came across my ex-boyfriend Justin, sitting on the street against the wall. He was all scruffy and grungy and was wearing a dirty white t-shirt and plain blue jeans. At the sight of me he got to his feet and started walking with me to work. I knew he was a homeless person (he isn't irl, as far as I know), and he was ranting to me about how horrible his life was very angrily. He was yelling and waving his arms around in anger as he complained, like a typical downtown homeless person. I, however, did not seem to be moved by his feelings, or even care at all. I didn't even care he was yelling, which irl I would have been very conscious of him scaring random people and such. I was just walking to work and occasionally going "uh huh" to what he was saying. I did have a feeling of urgency to get to work though, and was worried that Justin would distract me and make me late or something. As we walked along the street and he yelled about his horrible life, I caught the whiff of tacos (I've been eating a lot of tacos lately...) and when I looked around I saw a street taco food cart across the road. I really, really wanted one and wondered to myself if Justin would get me some, despite him being a homeless angry person. I didn't ask though. Instead I started telling Justin all of my ideas for the neon art I was going to make. I envisioned using yellow neon to make a moon, including the craters within it, and blue neon to make the waves of the ocean below it. In my dream it was a superbly creative idea, and idk it does sound kinda cool irl too. Then I was at the bar, and Justin was gone. I got a drink at the bar and sat down at one of the tiny tables, and got to work sketching out ideas for the neon art. And that is all I remember. I've been dreaming about my exes a lot recently and I wonder what it could mean. I am pretty serious with my current boyfriend.