snakes, explosion

Date: 8/27/2020

By Talon

I just had another crazy dream. What i remember is patchy. Charles and I were standing next to something that we had to explode. We placed boxes of explosives in front of it and stood behind the boxes. We were pushing the boxes against the thing that needed to be destroyed. We pushed so hard that some of the boxes toppled over. I heard a voice say, "I hope your plan still works out as planned now that you've knocked them over". I ignored it because I knew it would work anyways. The explosives were about to go off. I looked at Charles and said, "I'll see you on the other side". It exploded. I felt the wind and the heat. I saw it happen in slow motion...melting skin off our faces...the force of the explosion pushing us out the window behind us. We were up very high. I felt no pain. I was worried there would be pain, but there wasn't. Dream skipped. I was in water that looked more like pond water (it was green). There were lots of plants and trees on the edge of the water. I was with someone but I couldn't tell who. I started to see snakes. More and more snakes appeared. They looked normal at first but as more appeared, their appearance became more monster like. I did my best to stay calm and not disturb them so I wouldn't get bitten. I wanted out of there so fast. Next thing I remember: The next thing i remember was looking for Lele. I searched all over until I found him in a nest in a tree with a baby hawk. The baby hawk was not normal. It looked more like a puppy (Rottweiler, maybe). It seemed it could change its form. It was drinking milk from lele's teat. Not possible for him to produce that because he is a boy. It was weird. next thing: I was driving with Sara and was trying to find some music to listen to. a song by within temptation came on and sara started to sing along off key in falsetto. I couldn't stand it so I turned it off. one of the lyrics was "it's 3 am, I put your finger in my mouth and bite". i mocked it by saying something like, "oooh she's trying to sound all sexy". Sara seemed to get offended and said, "what, you don't like that kind of thing?" I told her that there was no way I was going to talk about this stuff with her because it was cringy. . I pulled into a parking lot so I could find other music. the business owner came out and told us we couldn't park there. I told him I would only be there for a second. then he started running a diagnostics on my car.