Being pressured to do speed

Date: 4/29/2021

By natassja666

In my dream I was hanging out with my partner and these two possibly homeless punks he was apparently friends with, a female and a male. The girl had spiky short pink hair and a lot of facial piercings and the dude had a tall neon green Mohawk, They were trying to talk me into getting high on speed with them, especially my partner who was really guilting and pressuring me. I kept saying I wanted to but I was scared because I used to have a problem with it and have been completely clean for so long and want to keep it that way. They ended up talking me into it, and we were going to do parachutes but when everyone else swallowed theirs I physically could not force myself to put it in my mouth. I was too afraid. I don’t remember much but the rest of the dream consisted of them being extremely high and noisy and partying and having fun and me being sad and anxious and just wanting to leave but having nowhere to go.