Date: 9/1/2019
By BollyMeth33
Weird dream. I remember being at this carnival type place and there was a small building where I had to stand in line. Memphis was there. I went into this place and I’m still in line when all of a sudden, both of my thumbs feel SUPER tingly. I look at both of them and they look a little swollen from one point of view. I turn them, looking at the sides of my thumbs, and the pads of my thumbs are at least two inches thicker than usual-they’re so swollen. And they’re still so tingly, not painful at all. I show Memphis and ask her why they could be swollen. She said she doesn’t know and I think it could be an allergic reaction. So I’m still walking forward in this line, and we’re about to be at this little kiosk thing. It looked like there should have been an employee or something to help us behind the counter, but we were doing it ourselves. Finally, me and Memphis reach the counter and we are required to pick our favorite chocolate or dessert from the options on this computer screen-I pick melty chocolate. There are so many other choices about different chocolates, cake, and I remember specifically the last option was a drippy chocolate statue that I wish I would’ve picked. I don’t even like chocolate that much, but sometimes I will dream about a feast of chocolate... I don’t know why. So we’re outside now and we’re standing in dirt outside this building and suddenly, I’m in the backyard of my house. There’s a blonde boy there I’m pretty sure but I can’t remember the details of what happened... maybe I did before I started writing and I just can’t remember now. PSA: Update: I remember seeing an older Brandon in my backyard and thinking he was really cute.