Digital art, Explore the confusion of discovering two versions of yourself and the mysterious forces that seem to be at play in this strange hobo camp situation.

Split, the other me

Date: 4/23/2018

By MsBananaNanner

We're sitting outside near what looks like a little Hobo camp. It's dirty, and we're told it was Ozzie Osborne's but 'she' was arrested for not showering and for going to bathroom near camp. My friend informs us that Ozzie is her mom and that the accusations are not true. I end up sneaking into the hobo camp in the night, and find my friend already there, along with this giant dog which is too rambunctious that she tells me to stay away. The other person is actually me, but I don't realize it, I think it's just a friend of mine. We both get cut while trying to calm the dog down--she had gotten hurt before I showed up, but now I was hurt too. I've got powers however, so I heal. I hug dog and hold it still until it stops freaking out. Someone sees me, and me and the other girl are both crying because we've been caught which meant the dog was going to be taken away. My friend tells me to leave, that she'll handle it. I know that doing so would mean she'd be arrested or killed, but she says she know it's worth it. She then tells me I need to meet this girl who is alone, but is like me and that only I can help her. I'm shoved out of the scene by some sort of force and then I'm suddenly sitting on a bed, with a cardboard box in front of me. There's a brief sequence where I am driving an old car across a long distance between towns at night, not wanted to be caught. There was something about me trying to find my brother but I couldn't make sense of anything. Then I'm in a basement, a phone rings near me. I pick it up and answer, and the person on the other side is myself, saying "Hello? Hello?" I see and feel this warm glowing through my abdomen and then I split into two versions of myself. The voice on the phone is gone, and the other "me" just goes "Hello." I've still got powers, but the other me does not. I also look basically like Clarke from the 100. Im back sitting on the bed with the cardboard box. A little girl, 8 years old or so, comes clawing her way maniacally out of box. She's got glowing orange eyes and is flailing and screaming like she's terrified. I try to calm her down but she is in near hysterics. She's screaming about something on her legs. I look down and see that there are hundreds of bugs crawling over her and they're coming on to me. I start screaming too, trying to fling the bugs off, and then try to find where they're coming from. I realize they're coming out of grass, which we're now sitting on instead of a bed. Roots explode up out of the grass and wrap around us, pulling us down. I remember what I was told about this girl being like me. I try to calm her again and to convince her she's in control. All she has to do is concentrate, and she can make the bugs and roots disappear. Eventually I get through to her and despite still hyperventilating she clamps her eyes shut and tries to focus and after a bit, the roots and bugs disappear. We start running. We end up in a basement. We find the "other" me, just standing there. This little girl is way more powerful than me, so she is kind of leading the charge. I tell her we need to help this other me since she's without powers, and the little girl agrees. Someone is chasing us, but I never see who it is. There's an old fridge which has the door hanging open and it's empty. We shove the other me inside and the little girl is by the wall trying to fight off whoever it is that's trying to force their way through. Water starts pouring out of the wall all over the floor. The person after us is using lightning type powers, so I connect the dots and realize that we're all about to get electrocuted. Me and the other girl will be fine because we can heal, but the other me won't. I yell at the girl to retreat, and yell at the other me to get out before the water reaches the fridge, but it's too late for me run back to get the other me. I can only grab the little girl and then we sprint as fast as possible. I'm really distraught that we lost the other me, but the girl reminds me that it was just me, split, that it wasn't really another person and I have a sort of revelation. Now we're upstairs and apparently not being chased because we aren't freaking out. I hear. A phone ringing so I run to get it. It's my moms phone so I answer but there's no answer. I hear my mom coming from another room asking if I answered her phone. I try to explain that I was just trying to be helpful but then a second one of my mom comes walking out behind her and we realize she's been split.