
Date: 12/5/2017

By Bingusbongus

There was a war between the sides of my family and i got tired of it when it turned bad and they all hated me so i went to school which turned into a mansion or some kind of big building. i went to construction and most of the kids in my class were there and were a big happy family and they weren't as violent as they usually were since they're all crazy boys and 2 horrible girls yelling. My teacher came from upstairs to show me something and it eventually led to the bat sanctuary we suddenly had. I've been watching a lot of bat videos so i was exited to hold one and take care of it but she said i shouldn't take this particular one and let me hold it to show me why. I walked back downstairs with the wrapped up bat and as i looked into its big beady bat eyes, suddenly as it was about to flap, before it did, i heard his wing flap and my head shot back and i stopped walking down stairs. I'm not sure if my head even moved in that moment but I was stuck looking straight up, so when i could move again i ran back up and put it down because that was scary as fuck and i never want to deal with that again. It felt like a horror game i dunno, i woke up after that and i'm still shook