Digital art, A group of friends explore a haunted old house, where the protagonist becomes increasingly unsettled by strange occurrences and seeks solace in the presence of a fictional character.

Haunted old house

Date: 11/15/2017

By Hikertrash48

A group of friends and I were at an old house that I used to live in. For whatever reason I had decided that I wanted to take my shirt off, not entirely sure why. So I'm walking around the yard and no one seems to notice or care that I'm underdressed. At one point we decided to form a small circle and they have me and three other girls stand on soccer balls. So I was holding on to my friends shoulder trying to stay balanced and after a minute we just walk away. I go inside to get a bra and shirt on and as I'm looking for a shirt to wear I hear something dragging along the floor like someone was jus dragging a heavy box. So I get scared, throw on a random shirt and start speed walking to the front of the house. When I get to the dining room I see a tv just dragging itself rather quickly across the room with the number six on the screen and I can hear a voice on the tv repeating the number nine. I run out of the house looking for my friend Krissy thinking that I could just sacrifice her to the ghost or something like that. As I'm looking for her I remember thinking "This would be so much easier if John Winchester was here."

AI generated interpretation The dream you described presents several interesting symbols and themes. The setting of an old house can often be symbolic of the past or unresolved issues. It may represent nostalgia or a desire to revisit or reconnect with a particular time in your life. The fact that you used to live in this house suggests that there may be unresolved feelings or memories associated with this period. The act of taking off your shirt in the dream may reflect a desire for vulnerability or openness in your waking life. It may indicate a willingness to reveal your true self or be more authentically you. The lack of reaction from your friends suggests that you may feel a sense of acceptance and support from those around you, even in moments of vulnerability. The soccer balls in the dream may represent balance and coordination. Standing on them while holding onto your friend's shoulder illustrates the importance of maintaining stability and relying on others for support. However, the sudden decision to walk away may indicate a reluctance to depend on others or a desire for more independence. The presence of the haunted and unsettling elements in the dream, such as the dragging sound and the self-moving TV with the numbers six and nine, suggests that there may be unresolved fears or anxieties lurking beneath the surface. These symbols could represent a sense of foreboding or a fear of the unknown. The desire to find a sacrificial person, like your friend Krissy, could reflect a desire to protect yourself or find a quick solution to these fears. The mention of John Winchester, presumably a fictional character from the TV show "Supernatural," suggests a desire for someone strong, protective, and capable of facing supernatural entities. This may indicate a yearning for strength or support in dealing with difficult situations or confronting your own inner demons. Overall, this dream appears to be exploring themes of vulnerability, balance, fear, and the search for protection or guidance. It may be an indication of unresolved emotions or concerns that need to be addressed in order to find a greater sense of stability and peace.