Giant purple dragon wtf

Date: 7/27/2020

By evp722

I had a weird dream-within-a-dream situation. I was at some sort of tall building, and the room I was in was spacious and had tall windows. I looked out a window and saw this giant cartoon-looking (but still scary) purple dragon. I hid behind a piece of furniture to try to hide from it. It peered through the window and I heard it say “Is someone there?” And I was terrified it would see me. Then, I crawled over down a hallway extending out of the room I was in and saw what looked like my grandfather’s TV room. To my surprise, my grandmother (who is now in a nursing home) sat in her chair. Then the dream changed. I was sitting down with my grandmother (the same one from the other part) in her house and we were discussing dreams. I told her about the one with the purple dragon. She told me a vague remembrance of a dream she had, and I can’t remember what it was. Then I was out in some clearing of the woods with my grandfather, and there was this campsite-looking place. I noticed a log bench, long enough to fit two people. Then I remembered my brother died (he didn’t in real life. I guess this is part of the dream backstory), so I asked my grandfather “why do you need a bench for two people if lukey (my brother) died?”. Then we were both feeling forlorn, and I don’t remember his response to that question.