Black dolls store and lesbian moms

Date: 4/29/2020

By ItsABlackCat

This story skips all over the place because I woke up several times. At the beginning two of my friends and I were hanging out. One of them, Abby, had to leave, which meant that it was just me and my other friend, Jordan. We eventually decided to go for a walk down the more densely populated places of where we were staying. It was kind of a ‘poorer’ community almost, but it was fine because we never went there often and it was cool to explore all the shops and see all the rest of the city / town. We ended up on a boardwalk-like stretch of road nearby a big river, where there were shops running down one side of the road and huge sidewalks all down the rest of it. My friend and I went into a bunch of little shops just because, and we had some money (maybe $40 between both of us) but not a lot so we decided to save it. We bought a small bowl of ice cream from a nice lady inside of a bright pink store, and shared it (it was chocolate, homemade too). Then we stopped by this store near the end of this road. It was painted a bright green that had been dulled and bleached from weather, and had a handwritten sign on the front exclaiming: “Hand-Made Dolls, $15 apiece” and “swim wear on sale!” We went in and the shop was decently small. There was a lot of open space with maybe twelve small racks, stocked front and back, spaced evenly throughout the store; at the leftmost corner, straight ahead of the entrance, was a wide counter. There was this heavy, but friendly looking black woman sitting behind it. She had oval reading glasses pushed onto her forehead, and an afro with a headband up front, over top of her edges. She was wearing regular clothes with a light blue apron over top, which had some pens and doll parts in the pocket. My friend, being the social one, introduced herself to the woman. I said hi quietly but my friend struck up conversation. The woman explained that her store made exclusively black dolls, and all sorts too; dolls with braids, dolls with natural hair, bald dolls, and even disabled dolls, with little metal arms or legs or cute little wheelchairs and canes to go with them. It was for all the little girls who could never find a lookalike doll in the store, where they had a thousand white dolls with brown and blonde hair, and then one (white, blonde/brunette) disabled doll and one (abled) black doll, and that’s it. My friend and I told the woman we thought that was awesome, and then my friend told me that she actually wanted to get her little cousin a birthday present here if that was okay. I was like yeah of course, you can borrow my money too since you shared yours with me to get that ice cream. She promises to pay me back but I’m like, it’s fine, and since we’re good friends she just shrugged and pulled me along the aisles. She had a picture of her cousin out on her phone and was saying she wanted one that looked like her. We eventually settled on doing the ‘make your own’ doll thing which was at one of the aisles, where there were a bunch of parts that cost like $1-$5 each, that you put together for ultimate customization. After making a doll that looked almost exactly like her cousin, we went up to the front and paid. The woman asked if we wanted the parts glued in place, since we’d just really snapped them in when making them, and my friend says yeah. The woman goes to a different part of the counter and warns us it’ll be a little bit for the glue to dry. My friend and I decide to stick around and continue looking around the shop while we wait. I’m looking at the handmade scarves and hats which are really cool, and I find one that I know my friend would love, and show it to her. Then, the doll is finished. However my friend needs to go straight home so we say goodbye and she leaves with the doll, and I continue exploring the town area. Since the road hits a dead end before a river, I turn and go behind the rows of shops to a smaller, urban area. It seems like I know this area well in the dream, because a few people nod in my direction or say hi as I pass. The sidewalk is very thin and leads past sets of very close together buildings, mostly apartment complexes. A lot of them are made of crumbling brick with rooftops shedding shingles like dogs shedding hair. There’s a tiny fence going along the ‘yards’ of these apartment buildings (the space is about seven feet, from the building to the fence, and as long as the building is exactly). The grass is struggling to survive. In this little fence area there’s sometimes some little kids playing together. A lot of the doorways on the ground floors of these apartments are cracked open or peeling, or even just broken in, and I smell cigarette smoke and weed drifting from several apartments; sometimes I catch glimpses of the interior, which is just as small and broken down as the exterior. The mailboxes are either empty, gone, or overflowing. As I’m walking down this area, I notice two men that I seem to know. One lives almost right behind the doll shop, and I see him come out of his apartment and check his mailbox. He’s wearing casual dressy clothing, has olive skin and neatly combed black hair. He’s pretty handsome as far as I can tell, and he’s maybe thirty-forty some years old. He’s taking off doctor’s gloves as he exits. He catches my eye and smiles, saying hello and addressing me by name- so we’ve met before. I say hi back and ask how he’s doing and stuff. He answers while sorting nonchalantly through his mail. He says he’s been doing okay, he got promoted recently at his work and is considering moving out to a better apartment somewhere nearby. I say I’m glad to hear it and tell him that I’m just walking back home, after walking down all the shops with a friend for a bit. He finishes shuffling through the mail and turns to leave, saying he’ll see me around and whatnot. I see him dump half the mail into a trash can near the door before it closes behind him. The other man lives farther down, and I see him on his porch next to a bunch of little kids- who presumably play in his yard because they live nearby. He’s pale in comparison to the other man, maybe even paler than me and that’s saying something, and has that classic blonde-hair-blue-eyes look. He’s also handsome, in a different way I guess, although around the same age as the other man. His blonde hair is a bit scraggly, frown out to shoulder length and wavy, and he has stubble that’s beginning to grow into a beard. He has thick eyebrows too, which cast shadows over his eyes until he looks up and sees me. He, too, addresses me by name, meaning I know him as well. We talk similarly and he asks if I’ve been doing well in school, I tell him I have and he reminds me to work hard. He says that I’m always welcome to come to him if I need help with any studies, and stuff. I thank him and politely say goodbye, saying I’m going home and wanna be back before dinner. He bids me farewell and pulls a pair of thin wire glasses from the front pocket of his sweater vest, and puts them on, going back to reading the papers in his hands with a frown. I’m walking back home when I get a call on my phone. It’s my parents, they say they met up with my friend and her mom and had decided to go ‘real’ shopping down the same area I’d just been. This time, though, we’d have actual money to spend and buy stuff, they promised. I nod even though they can’t see me and then turn and lightly jog back through that area. When I get to the doll shop my family and friend’s family are inside. My friend is outside, waiting for me. When we go inside I see my family waiting for me. It’s not my real life family, though. In the dream it seems normal. I have two moms; one who has light skin, and is pretty tall but otherwise regularly built, with short dark hair and a flannel shirt- and I notice that her face shape is quite similar to mine; and one who’s short and a little heavier, with slightly longer than shoulder-length dark hair which has a single bleached streak, and who’s wearing a cute cyan themed outfit complete with a scarf and brown boots. I also have a sister in this family, a girl who looks a lot like my one mom: she’s heavier with a kind face and wearing big turquoise glasses, and a regular cute outfit. Her hair comes to just above her shoulders and is dyed cyan-ish blue. She’s around my age, with dark tan skin. My moms are talking and my sister joins my friend and I in looking around at the stuff in the store. My friend is eventually called over by her family for something, and my sister and I are left alone together. She mentions something about our moms and the conversation gets onto ourselves. She says that she’s found something in our moms’ room, a document of sorts. We had never really questioned our moms too much about where we were from (adopted, etc.) mostly because they wouldn’t really say. However according to the document, we were both the offspring of either mother (her from the heavier mom, me from the lighter skinned mom) and two different ‘anonymous’ sperm donors from our town. I wasn’t upset or anything, and neither was she, but in such a small town where everyone knew everyone, we both were curious as to who our biological ‘fathers’ were. Not that we’d treat them like fathers, since they obviously weren’t our fathers except in scientific name, but it was just something that was cool to find out. Plus, it would let us know which traits we got from our moms vs the sperm donor guys. During the rest of the dream we go around the neighborhood some more. By the end I’m slightly convinced that my sister’s donor is the darker skinned, handsome man that I’d talked to previously in the dream, and that my donor is the lighter skinned, blonde man I’d met just after. Now that I was looking for it I could find plenty of similarities. The first man had my sister’s hazel-to-green eyes, with light brows and cheeks that were like apples. She even had his perfect, white-toothed smile. As for me, I had the blue-gray eyes of the second man, as well as his blonde hair- something neither of my moms had. I had his light skin, only just slightly darker (again, neither of my moms were REALLY actually light skinned- one was dark and the other was like, tan) and I had his angled face, too. And by the looks of it (ironic lol) I had his eyesight, as both he and I had glasses as thick around as their frames. The dream ended before I could come to solid conclusions.