Bloody water and demon family

Date: 10/1/2019

By Pandakitties

I made the mistake and wrote this dream somewhere else and lost it so sadly this is just fragments of what I remember but it’s too terrifying to not document. Anyways, this was set in a neighbourhood I used to live as a kid. I’m waiting for my friends to show up, but they’re late. So I’m at my neighbours house who in real life doesn’t exist, and he invites me over to swim in his pool. So I go and I change into a bathing suit, when I realize they’re standing outside waiting for me. Moments of dialogue, friend 1 agreed to swim but friend 2 gets annoyed and walks away to their house which was apparently also in this neighbourhood. He changes and dives into the pool first, I’m about too but then I actually LOOK at the pool and see it’s a deep, deep red. As he swims, body parts of babies and other horrific indescribable chunks of stuff floating up around in the water. I scream horrified, but he refuses to get out of the water. There’s a chunk here I forget, but then I’m in my parents house and they’re having some kind of conversation with my brother I also forget. But then he’s complaining about pain and tickling in his throat and stomach, he’s scratching at his face at one point. Then a grotesque worm type thing comes flying out of his mouth, pulling his jaw apart until it was perfectly horizontal. I forget the rest, I believe I woke up soon after.