world war 3: the game of thrones edition

Date: 3/30/2018

By Tjika

I was in a world where both magic and white walkers existed, but it looked like the normal world. I was in a plane with my brother and my mom. I remembered I had been in one on my there as well, but I only remember flying back home. I have no idea where exactly we had been, but anyway we were going home now. The windows of the plain were huge, so we could look outside very easily. There was some lightning when we took of, but not anything special. It soon started to get a lot worse though. No one was scared by the sudden lightningstorm however, even though it kept hitting buildings all around us. We really trusted that pilot... Well he was apparently a good pilot, because we did not get hit even once. While we were on the plane though we could see a world war starting. The white walkers of game of thrones were freezing everything over beneath us and some other army with an undead leader (a skeleton in a white suit) was fighting back. This was not unexpected, we had all known this war was comming. When I was home I first went to my university for some reason. I remember my grand parents were there and I was there with my suitcase from my holliday. I don't know why I brought it it there. The elevator had been renewed and was now insanely fast, which was convenient, but kinda scary. I did not really feel like the war had really started, because my life back home was still so normal. Still you could feel everyone was sort of on guard more than usual. When I got home people had apparently been preparing. I lived in a house that secretly housed some kind of resistance as well. Everyone had known this war would come, so some of us had prepared. Normal people, who just went to our home because it was a library too, were invited to stay over in our secret safe house, because it was quite big. I had some powers, just like several other members of this resistance. Using them to fight the white walkers was kind of my entire role in the resistance, although I did some organising too, since there had been no white walkers around yet. There were also people without powers in our group, all of them organising stuff and communicating with other resistance groups. When I told people with powers they now had to train more seriously as they might need to use them soon, I noticed I had been using mine too little as well. I could control the elements, although I only used fire and water in this dream. I knew fire was the one element we would need the most, but even though I managed to get water back under my control, I could barely use fire at all. It made me kind of nervous, since my ability to use fire was kind of my entire reason for being an important member of this resistance group. People were depending on me, but I hadn't trained enough and now it might be too late... There was a scene after this in which I was not present myself. I was watching it like I was watching a movie. A girl who looked a lot like danaerys from game of thrones was sitting in a hallway made of stone. She had ice powers, but was on our side. She could not control her powers anymore though and could barely even walk because of the cold within her body. There was a guy who looked a lot like John Snow who was her boyfriend and carried her up a stairway. I did know she was a very important member of our restance though, despite not being able to use her powers properly anymore. There was another scene of two guys on a roof. The war was going on beneath them, but they did not belong to either side and did not seem interested in the fight that was taking place below. They were arguing with each other. I believe one had won a silly game from the other, for which he had earned some points from the other guy. Apparently in this world there was a point system where one way of winning or losing points was to play a game with someone. I never found out more details about it though, but I did know it was a normal part of life in my dream. In the next part I was in bed in my room. An accident had occured right next to the house. I looked outside my window and saw the wounded person involved being taken away in an ambulance. I saw it drive away and thought, our lives are still so normal now, we never actually thought this stuff could happen to us, we all felt so safe. Still it is happening right now and even though I am still safe here now, I won't be in the future when the people fighting on the frontlines lose. I knew that if I forgot that for a single second and did not keep fighting with the resistance and train my powers, there was a good chance they would come here in the future and kill all of us, or at least make us live in hiding forever. I might never be as free and carefree as I had been all my life ever again... then I woke up. Never got the chance to fight some actual white walkers, that was kind of dissapointing although I get the feeling dream me wasn't really ready for it anyway... :p