sexual assault

Date: 12/1/2016

By xoe

Location keeps changing between the town, a cruise ship, and the Bahamas. Flashes of Rocky shore. My old dream apartment. I remembered that I never did live there, it was from my dreams. It isn't like the actual apartment I lived in in Bristol at all. So I realized I was dreaming, and I opened my eyes, but didn't wake up. The images were manifesting before me, kind of like a hologram. I watched it, it was a large empty apartment. Painted a blue green color, but dirty with age. There was a column laying on the floor, pointing towards me diagonally to the left. Then I was back in town, and figuring out if it had changed. Then on a ship with my sister. It's crowded, and she needs to go back to the cabin, or I do. We have a hard time finding the way, and have to cut through the pool. As I am climbing the stairs out, I realize that I am only wearing a long yellow shirt, and no underpants. I hope that no one can see. A bunch of black girls are talking to me, and we're having fun, until one of them tries to pick pocket my purse. I get out of the pool. We are waiting at the elevator and some skinny German teens start harassing us. We try to play it cool until one attacks me. He is holding me against the wall, and I can't move. There are a bunch of people, white guys, but no one is helping. I start screaming Help Help Sexual Assault, but the guys try to avert their eyes, until I shout I'm not joking! Then they turned to me, and I knew there was help. On the island. Time to go back to the ship. On the ship are two pretty girls in white lounge chairs, saying that when they switched places, the cramps stop. We are trying to hurry to the ship, a bunch of Jamaican kids around us, when a guy with a blue face comes intently at us. We hurry around a corner and up the stairs with the blue guy walking slowly but intently toward us. Another blue guy comes down the stairs, trapping us and the Jamaican guys. Everyone closes in and says no one can help you now.