Chased to Death in My New Location

Date: 11/27/2021

By brinkery

“I’m going to have to write you up for walking on the wrong side of the road,” she said. I had the same dream I’ve had before again. After a few mischief happened in my neighborhood, my dad decided that it was time to move out. He made us pack our things and load them in the car. The scene took us to a vacation spot. It was apparently China. There was a large mansion, and people were lining up to get a spot in. My dad said that we already had rooms in the resort, and walked us inside the building. I got a little bored after a few hours, and wanted to explore my new home. So, I walked outside and noticed a small bus. Without thinking, I just walked right on inside. The bus driver didn’t say anything, so I just made my way to the back of the bus. There were only three other people on the bus - a young mother, and her son and daughter. They were all on a laptop. It was extremely cramped at the back of the bus, and it didn’t help that the lady was leaning back in her chair. I asked her if she could lean forward a bit - no response. I dug into my pockets to see if I had any money to pay the guy. I had a five dollar bill and one dollar. The bus finally started moving. We passed a house that didn’t have a front door. We could see that inside the house was beige carpeting. Beside the house, there was a large balcony with pink carpeting, again. The son remarked, “Wow, they must have good floors.” I peered out the window and awkwardly waited for the car to stop. The kids kept shooting me looks every few seconds. Eventually, the mother was driving the car and the original bus driver was nowhere to be seen. I thought we were going somewhere interesting, but she had just pulled into a gym’s parking lot. There was a man and a woman guarding the building at the end of the road. I didn’t find out what for until a few minutes later. I excused myself out of the car and began to walk down the road. The same guy got my attention. “Excuse me, miss, but the small bathroom down there and the big bathroom over there,” he pointed his thumb over his shoulder, “are out of order right now. You can use the restroom inside the gym for now.” I took a quick breath. “I’m not going to the bathroom. I’m going home.” The lady beside him raised an eyebrow. “I’m going to have to write you up for walking on the wrong side of the road, then,” she said. She turned around and walked toward the gym. “No, wait!” I said, “I-I-I was actually trying to use the bathroom.” Of course, she didn’t believe me. What was I supposed to do? I couldn’t get into trouble my first day here. I could have told them I was new, but I didn’t. My natural instinct just told me to run for it. And thus, that was exactly what I did. I sprinted down the same road and the guy took after me. He wasn’t nearly as fast as I was, though, and stopped to take breaks up until I couldn’t see him anymore. I realized that the lady was going to come for me, so I climbed up the rocks beside the road and got on the ground. The leaves of assorted neutral colors crunched underneath my feet. I climbed up the tree. It wasn’t the best choice for me. It was very skinny and tall. Someone could easily spot me if they tried. Still, the other trees weren’t any different. I glanced down and waited for the lady to pass by. She was finally in my vision. She was wearing an eerie white mask with black eye sockets and no mouth. I’ve seen this exact same thing in my dreams before. I held my breath as she climbed up the cliff. She grabbed a stick and started to beat me endlessly with it. I lost my position and almost fell to the ground, but I kept my stance. The lady began to lash at me, and I felt genuine pain. I tried to “leave the game” and went to the menu, which looked a lot like the one in Roblox. I couldn’t tell which button said “Leave Game,” so that was useless. I did get out of the situation and run the entire way “home.” As I was running, I started to think about what I was going to do. I was going to have to get a haircut, for sure, maybe dye my hair, and definitely ditch my circular glasses. I finally arrived. I threw my phone behind the garage and ran inside the house. I jumped on the couch and just thought about WTF just happened.