Date: 4/30/2017
By seascarlet
1: I started as a girl in this dream, but turned into a boy in an alternative school who I knew would be a famous musician someday. Unfortunately I'd stepped into a day in his life in which he had a stomach flu and was embarrassing himself by pooping or puking in class or maybe both. Fortunately the other kids and teacher liked him and were supportive for the most part. He had a lively personality and so did a couple of his friends. I liked being him, but wished I hadn't stepped in on such a literally crappy day in his life. I woke up feeling sick and sweaty. 2: I was myself in this one, but in a place I've never been. I stepped into a modern looking building that was a bird museum. The birds were free to roam in there and the bigger ones were very people friendly. My favorite ones were two owls and a bird as big as the owls, but more like a normal bird shape. It was light blue and very soft. They all landed on me and would settle into my arms. The two owls were in my arms together and I saw them in a mirror. They looked so cute all content and squished together. A woman there who was the curator showed me that on the bigger birds, you could see holographic images of their memories on their wings. These holograms were in smallish bubbles all over the wings. She showed me a beautiful female bird who was dying. I felt bad for her, but her memories all looked happy and content. 3: I was leaving a large building with a male friend I don't know irl. He had shoulder-length black hair. The parking lot was huge and I couldn't find my car. I wanted to get out of there really badly for some reason. I found my car, the one I have irl, and started to leave. For some reason it moved too fast and I couldn't control it, and crashed into a white SUV with a woman sitting in the open trunk. There were a couple of other people around her. Fortunately I didn't hit any of them, but really messed up both our cars. As it was happening, as though in slow motion, I said to my friend, "Could this just not happen? I really need it to not happen." I got out and apologized and gave the woman my insurance info. She wasn't very mad because we both knew my insurance would pay for all the damage and then skyrocket. Then I had to go get something on foot somewhere and had just as much trouble finding my car as I had the first time. I hoped they didn't think I'd just ditched the scene. Finally I found them and there were cops there now.