Restaurant and a Storm

Date: 1/25/2019

By JamieKingofDreams

My friends took me to a restaurant they said I would like. The place was more like a diner with an a la cartel kind of create your own plate. So I order my food. The servers have mesh caps on their heads and wear a yellow polo with a red logo and collar. Turns out the place is cash only, and I don’t have cash. My friend covers me. But from the time we enter the mostly empty establishment until we get our food, there’s one worker who is jeering at us and making sexual remarks. We eat. I think my friends leave so I’m there chilling when I see a brochure type pamphlet on the counter. I pick it up and it’s a form to report sexual harassment. So I start filling it out. The guy who was making comments earlier comes over to me to see what I’m saying I don’t say anything. Then he tells me that it’s $5 for the harassment application, and the place is cash only. I’m not as mad as I am confused. The worker then says that the ATM just got fished and I can use it. I look over to where the ATM has been making fluttering noises and it continuously passes a stack of 100s that it’s counting. I make a remark out loud to the effect of “All them 100s sounding pretty.” The guy laughs and agrees like, “Haha,yeah.” So I really don’t want to come out $5 for a harassment application (I’m for real broke in real life too.) So I want to just leave the place. But then it began to get dark. Like it got dark outside but also a dark feeling came over the place. It felt like I would have to pay money to leave I’m general. All of a sudden a giant storm is coming down like the mix of a category 5 hurricane and a tornado. The cars in the parking lot are sent backwards through the front of the building (there was a hallway/pathway entry that was separated from the main building that the cars are going through. It sounds like wind rushing all around. Water droplets crescendoing to the ground like sharp daggers. Power lines are snapping and whirling. Orange bursting balls of electricity and falling onto the streets. I’m seeing this through a main window when I look up because another car has gone through the front. I look and notice that there’s a person in the front seat. It’s my boyfriend. I try not to get into a panic. He notices I see him he points towards the door and I nod. I run over to the door to let him in. In this moment it’s implied that opening the door could jeopardize the safety of every one in the establishment because then the storm could possibly be let in and destroy the whole place. I fight with the door to get him in and get the building back closed. My boyfriend walks towards me out of breath and quite seriously while taking off this hoodie. He’s drenched in water and sweat. And he says, “I have rebuked for all the wrong things I’ve done to you.” (Side note: my boyfriend is really great, we haven’t fought or anything and our relationship has been free of scandal). I’m thinking about how love will make you day and do crazy things. I smile at him we sloppy kiss and hug real tight. While creating distance in the release of the embrace, I wake up.