Date: 9/6/2018
By ShadowOwl
I lived on a large island that moved through the sea like a boat. There were lots of other people in villages on the island. The dream started with exposition talking about how there was an evil cult on the island somewhere in the caves in mountains to the north west. They kidnapped and killed a lot of people all at once many years ago which we referred to a Pine something Day. There leader was a guy/monster named Adam. I had gone to the caves many times to try and thwart their plans. I was now me and I was working in a tree house restaurant. We were closing for the day while the owner and her daughter got into a little fight. The daughter wanted to go to a party but there was no name on the invitation. I sided with the mom saying that after that massacre years ago, I would be hesitant to go to stuff like that. People didnt know I was actively fighting the cult. I left the tree house to start heading home. It was fall and very foggy. While most people would be hesitant to go such a long way in the fog, i had my bear Robin who I rode down. Robin could navigate the path with his eyes closed so I wasnt worried. We made it down the mountain to the village. The fog was less dense here. I headed to my families house which was near the edge of the village and island. I got a bit more exposition explaining I had wished for this land and all the sheep my family I had. I was granted wishes from the island in exchange for being its protector. I didnt head up to the house, instead opting to sleep in one of the two tent structures that were closer to me. As I was going in, an old man came up to me. He was my mentor and the only person who knew I was the protector. He gave me three crystals he found. They were light blue and had eyes in them. Instead of sleeping, I went and started picking up other crystals that were in abundance on the island. I went and sat on the beach the whole night comparing the eye ones to the normal ones. The next morning I went into a seaside cave to pick through the shells that had been washed in the night before. As I was shifting through the ankle deep water, I noticed it suddenly started to dry. I walked to the seaside entrance and saw that it was covered with something. I listened to voices I heard and recognized them as cult members. I ran out of the cave and sounded an alarm to let the village know. I announced over the intercom what was going on and that everyone needed to go inside. I went to sound another alarm but was blocked by a cultist. Robin came out of nowhere and tackled him so I went and sounded the alarm. I looked to the shore and saw far too many for me to handle. I knew that I had to make a wish in order for this to work. I ran to my house and apparently I wasnt the only one. Townspeople fled in their with me. They cowered in fear and i realized i had to do it even if they found out who I was. I mixed three liquids, a wine colored one, a yellowish one,and a clear one into a tall glass. I swirled it around so they would mix. I drank the disgusting drink and took a pinch of some rock and sprinkled a bit of it into the drink. My wish had to be island based so I wished that the specific coast would separate from the island while we kept moving. It worked and stranded the culstists. Someone looked out the window and saw it happened. The rest of the people turned to me and asked "What are you?" and then I woke up.