
Date: 4/6/2019

By sadinarus

So I remember this dream vividly. It started off me being in the cafe with a bunch of othe people. We were all stolen and taken to this place. And I remember seeing a part in my dream where these four girls tried to escape. And they tried to escape during the day and once they ran they all individually fell into this holes with trash bins in the ground and this nasty old mushed up food dropped down into once they fell in. Then at one point, I was with my friend Allyse and we were by the beach. We were dressed in our gray uniforms and I remember us walking up close to the beach. Allyse was like you know they don’t like when we go into the water. And I scoffed at that and said “it’s the beach” and I walked towards the water and let the water splash all over me. The water was warm. And the alarms went off I believe and these guys came to escort me off the beach. Then I remember this part where it was set up like a game. There were soldiers in bulky Uniform holding guns. There was two that I was only paying attention to at the top of this balcony which I can only assume if there watch points. and I remember seeing people go before me. So they wanted you to hit near them but not actually hit them. And this guy that went before me. Was using a bow an arrow. And he was hitting close to the guy soldier. He was standing up against the wall as calm as ever. And the guy shooting the bow and arrow hit in between his legs, the side of his face, above his head and then on the left side of his face again, all why not injuring him. And then the last one the guy hit the soldier in his shoulder with the bow and arrow. The people came and got him and he got some sort of punishment. I never saw him for the rest of the dream. It was finally my turn. They drove me up to the field site. And I remember asking them about what if I kill them? And I forgot what the answer was. But all I know is. I took the sniper that I had and targeted the soldier. The soldier had a partner which was this pretty black lady. I had my eyes on him but she kept getting in the way so I decided to make her my target. I breathed in and took my shot. I purposefully made sure I killed her. I shot her right in the head. And I know everyone started to shoot towards me and I remember seeing these cops or whoever come to get me in a single file line and I had my hand gun so I decided to make the most of it. So I decided to walk out in the middle of open fire. And shoot as many as I can. I remember thinking...”I don’t wanna be here. I’m going to escape.” So I took my gun and targeted the soldier that was shooting at me. He missed several times but one bully hit my torso and my entire vision got bloody looking like a GTA or Halo game. And I think I shot him and I shot two other guys right next to me. But they didn’t make an effort to try and kill me. But instead they took me somewhere. And my specific group leader made me fight til the death with another girl in my house. If either one of us won then we’d be able to go free. So it was me and this white girl. Everyone in the house was watching. And we started to fight. I didn’t know her so I had no sympathy. This scene was depicted like an anime style show. I was jumping to far heights and avoiding all of her attack’s. And I was winning. I don’t remember specifically the combat but I remember how I ended it. I killed her using a paper bag that was floating in the air. There were two I took the white one and the red one. I put them inside eachother and suffocated her. I remember still holding onto the bag even after she was dead. Later on in the dream I seen a clip where I was walking with Sean to what looked like an abandoned brick building. And we kept walking straight. Things were weird now because I was now a murderer and he didn’t know. And I remember being somewhere with this girl and she was using pencil to draw on the fabric muslin. And I remember saying “don’t use pencil she will know. She hates when we use pencil just use a pen.” I was referring to the lady that watched over the house in the place. I was traumatized and always felt like she was watching me. THE END