Date: 1/10/2017
By fiercerunner
Again i feel that i almost had an OBE, but this was also more dreamlike and it was likely just that. I was laying in my bed at home (and i slept at home). I raised my arms up but saw that my body's arms did not move at all. Instead I saw strange luminous blackish shadow arms that were only somewhat visible. In my mind i said "holy shit" but tried to remain calm. I got out of bed normally and turned back to look at the bed. I did not see myself, only my pillow and bed. That's a major reason i feel that this was merely a dream of an OBE. It was very vivid. I went over to my desk and everything appeared as it would. I touched the edge of the desk and it felt very real. I then questioned whether it was OBE or not and found that my mind was just as logical as it is in physical reality. I quickly determined it is more likely a lucid dream. Regardless, i decided to try and do a confirmation test. I went to my bathroom and saw myself in the mirror, but my eyes looked a different color. They may have been 2 different colors. It may be that i imagined my outfit for the purpose of a confirmation because i had on my one Billabong t-shirt and red XC shorts. I wanted to read the Billabong shirt and remember what it said, and then confirm that when i woke up, as i had worn the shirt many times but never read what it said under Billabong. As i write this i cant believe how clever of a confirmation this was to think of on the spot in a dream, and i say that not out of arrogance but out of surprise at out logical my mind was capable of being during this dream. Sadly i do not remember what the shirt said. At the end of the dream i looked down at my hands and saw the hands of my body instead of the shadow hands. At that moment i thought "oh no, im back in my body" and the dream ended.