Just a series of random mishaps

Date: 1/2/2020

By iamMartinez!

It’s me and some friends. We’re walking on the sidewalk barefoot and there is small pieces of broken glass on the ground. Im the first to step over it but I make no big deal of it. The farther we go the more glass there is on the floor and we begin walking carefully and soon we come up on some bigger pieces and I warn them to be careful cause those will cut. Also along the way there are small diamonds and my son is trying to pick up what he can. They’re small and some is even dust i find it not worth the hassle. The further we go the more diamonds there are and finally we come down to this quarry looking field. It looks like a dried river with mostly fine sand and I say to my older brother, if there are small diamonds scattered everywhere I’m pretty sure we’d find something big right here. PART 2 Now I’m on my way to work. I’m running late and for some reason I decide it would be faster if I take off my clothes so that when I get to work I’ll just quickly put on my uniform so I do. I take my clothes off and drive off. Along the way I realize I didn’t bring any lunch so I stop at a grocery store. I walk inside when I realized I’m naked and I ask myself I wonder if anyone will notice. Or, what if I just go through the empty isles. At the distance I see some ladies and decide to head back to my car and I try to avoid being seen by other people driving by. Finally I make it and I’m struggling just to open the car to jump inside and this cute chick is pulling out and although she sees me she doesn’t seem to care. I open the trunk and am getting dressed when I see two guys with two dogs and they are trying to sell them to a young man passing by on a skateboard. The young man asked, aren’t they a bit old? They say yea but that only means they’re trained, the young man replies ‘trained by you right? They say yea. Then the young man tells them ‘see you trained them, they obey you cause they’re you’re pets, they love and trust you and you should love and trust them too and not treat them like live stock. The younger of the two hustlers and the young man locked eyes and then the kid just skated away. PART 3 my little brother comes home to visit from Long Beach which is some 20 miles away on a road bicycle. We have a quick chat and I tell him I must be on my way to work. Being the kind of guy I am I felt bad letting him ride off back that far that late in the afternoon so i decided to join him since I work out that way as well. I get my bike and we’re on our way. Dodging city traffic and taking back alleys. We come up on some stray dogs and sprint to our run them. There we lost sight of each other but knowing how competitive he is he’s just pedaling a bit harder. I came up on the LA river bank. It has a bike path that goes all the way to Long Beach. I wonder if he took the path or if he’ll be taking the street. I decide on taking the river path and it’s already 5 pm and getting dark. I realized I’ll be off at 3 am and I don’t have a light and to make things worse I forgot my phone. So I get on the path. I go passed the crowd into the more secluded part of the river where the path ends under an overpass and I must cross over to the other side. I leave my bike to go find a way across and the water is low. There are some rocks I can hop over to get across so I go back for my bike and do that. When I get across it’s a steep climb back up to the trail. While I’m carrying my bike a kids toy like a tablet or something hits me on the head. I keep going up and I see blankets hung up like dividing curtains and dolls or toys everywhere. I think to myself there must be children or families living under this overpass. Then I see movement in the dark corners. It was children. They’re sad pale faces just looking at me. I just kept going feeling sad. I get back on the trail and continue riding. Along the way I come up on a motorcycle shop. I noticed my brother was there. I asked him what’s going on and he tells me he got tired of pedals so he bought a motorcycle. With his usual laughter he squeezes the throttle and speeds away and I’m there feeling like a sucker cause i took up on that endeavor just so that he won’t have to ride back home by himself.