Paternal suicide

Date: 7/9/2024

By ModelLaDawn

Mom and I were trying to catch a flight. I was also trying to get her a thousand extra dollars within the program we were in. She felt like other people needed it more even though everyone who needed it could apply. I had to go off on her about taking help. I specifically told her I can’t save everyone. Fast forward we get from one flight but I have to get on another one and dad is going to take me to the airport. We are driving up the old Tipton Lane in a small car. It’s very dark. I tell him it’s so strange to see him driving again. I’m a bit nervous because he has shakey hands from the MS. He swerves and goes up a hill to get to on the road by Joes garage. I ask him why he did that and he proceeds to say mom and I are the same and he can’t change how we do things. His explanations of our negative ways are shocking. I’m confused. He proceeds to go up Pike Hill saying he’s just going to end it. I know he’s trying to kill himself and me. I try to tell him to stop and open the door. I tell him I’m going to jump out and he jerks the wheel hard enough to flip the car. I catapult in the air and grab a thick green vine on a tall tree. The car goes flying. . There’s an old lady walking outside her house across the street. Her porch light is on. I start climbing and yelling for help. Dad is still alive and he starts to climb the tree towards me. I scream to the lady he’s trying to kill me over and over again. Finally I jump down when he’s high enough. He jumps down too but his balance isn’t as good as mine and he falls to the ground. I maneuver around him tripping him up then run into the house picking up the old lady to go in with me. There’s a man in the house. Older man. Her husband I assume. I run to the kitchen where a rotary phone is. Dad has made his way into the house but apparently the couple has slown him a bit. It feels like forever trying to dial 911 on that phone. I explain to the operator everything in detail in case he does kill me. But he just stands there angry like he wants me to say everything I want to say. When I give enough information I throw the phone at him and run out. It catches him off guard. I think he believed I would stay in the house. I start running up the hill staying low so he can’t see me. But he comes out. In my head I tell myself I have to stay in shape for times like these. Crazy right? A girl is running the opposite direction (working out) headed down the hill. That’s when I start to hear sirens and helicopters. I turn around to an ocean of lights. When I get down the hill I get the attention of a law student who takes me to safety. I’m surrounded by cops and press. The student seems happy he gets the “story”. I’m happy to be alive. I believe the student is from the same program mom and I were getting assistance from in the beginning of the dream.