Date: 7/15/2017
By peachy
After you graduated school you had to go to these test things in this gigantic house which determined if you could do anything in life except the problem was it was literally impossible and Inside it was almost like a huge church except it was like a maze & you got lost & it was impossible to finish the test passing like some of the question were how many stop signs are in this town & how many eggs to make 3 different cakes & just like stuff you wouldn't know & I think I was talking to my boyfriend on a call telling him about I failed it & since I didn't pass like multiple times which sucked too because it took like a week to take it , the technology was extremely advanced, it was almost like a video game and each room was very white and had cameras and creepy small tests in each one. But during one of the tests before I left I broke one of the walls & spent hours creating this flying ball that could fly & shoot a strong laser that could cut things and immediately I told it to break the camera & some security people came & it literally sliced their bodies or robot parts apart & we ran that's when I got stuck and got trapped inside one of these pod things on the ceiling it was like a room but this small thing was closing & while trying to escape & my leg was stuck & got pinched in it insanely we were flying somewhere farther. & we got to this snowy place with these robots all walking around just getting stronger and stronger & they kept shorting lasers & just repeatedly forming bigger and better versions of themselves & just becoming insanely strong robots. It was a crazy thing to see like it was so detailed I felt like I was on a different planet and I think I was. But anyways the snowy place with mountains was so terrifying, I was trying to hide on a small cave on top of a mountain while my small robot was helping me & we saw some of their machines and just went crazy & tried destroying them but I heard this huge guy coming like huge & human but really really strong he was like as tall as a house & had orange pants & a really scary smile & he kept running after me & I kept yelling get the fuck away from me & he's like you can't hide behind those mirrors & I had such a strong fear in the dream I can't explain it & I called out for my robot & I think he got trapped by the big guy too an he started doing this creepy laugh & I found a bathroom and went to go run inside & he's like nooo you can't do that and tried grabbing my side & I screamed stop what's wrong with you & he kept laughing & pulled me partly in the bathroom & was trying to touch me and make me do shit and it was terrible & disgusting, like it was rape basically. It just felt so realistic and it was fucking bad. But as I was freaking out I woke up, still freaking out because I was like partly awake & saw this figure standing in my room that looked exactly like him and I started panicking out of breath and then a few seconds later I sat up really fast and it was gone .