Date: 12/28/2017
By megan_1213
So at first this dream started off as my sister,Mom,Dad, and I finding a new house to move to. I don’t know why we wanted to move to this house I guess we just thought it was nice. Anyways this house had a lot of secret rooms connected to it and we didn’t know about this until we moved a couch cushion and a small door behind the cushion on the couch upstairs. A weird place for something like that but again this is a dream. The rooms looked like something out of a medieval castle but they were all empty. Ok then it cuts to this school I think and I went there but my sister didn’t. So a bunch of other people were there and a single strict looking teacher told us that this is not a regular school for we had to survive if we want to pass. She meant that literally because then she said that we would be chased by two different geese. The king who is huge and the queen which is slightly smaller but faster. We were given a rope and suction cups to help claim if needed. As soon as the teacher went in a room the king goose came around the corner and the rest of us bolted for hiding places this went on until we could find a way out of the place while also being chased by the queen goose. I woke up after that