Big Fight

Date: 11/18/2019

By cozydreams

I dreamed I was walking down a flight of steps, then up a flight of steps. Someone yelled something to the likes of “IM HAVING SUCH A GREAT EXPERIENCE WITH THE APPLE CAMERA!” or something like that. As I was trying to walk up more steps, some guy was in front of me. I tried to push through him, but he resisted. I then pushed super hard and he pushed me away even harder, and I dropped my SWITCH textbook. Angry, I picked up my textbook, and did some MMA move and flipped him over my head using my feet. He flew down the steps and landed hard at the bottom. I walked up the steps. I turned around and said “.... I’ll break your fucking jaw!”. He got angry because I called him out and charged at me. I feel like there may have been someone watching us fight. He jumped on me and started attacking me. Someone broke up the fight, then next thing I know, I’m outside a ring preparing for a big fight. It looks like it has PPV and a professional vibe. The ring had lasers going through it. My coach told me “Make sure you pretend to be confused by the ring, then sock him when he least expects it”. The fight never started. I woke up. I also dreamed I was driving a car laying down on my stomach. I couldn’t remember where my uncle’s house was.. For some reason, I was going there. I pulled into a random dark driveway because I couldn’t see (driving on my stomach)... I sat up normally and drove away back to the road. I called my uncle and he said his address was like 100 Pointer Road or something. Next thing I know, I was there. Without thinking of the route, I showed up. This part of the dream happened before the fighting part. While I was driving, I remember seeing a bunch of cars driving adjacent to some railroad tracks. I was in my car stopped at the railroad gate. It seemed reckless that cars would be so close to the tracks.