riley tried to hold it

Date: 7/19/2019

By livtina

I had a dream that Riley and I were in class, at the back of the room. It was windy outside, and as time passed, it was starting to get worse and worse. Something kept happening with me that had the whole class laughing. They weren’t laughing at me. They were laughing at the weather, maybe. I forgot. They were also laughing over the fact that some objects were shaking and moving from the storm outside, and they found it hilarious how I kept trying to hold onto it. I was even laughing a bit. It was just Riley and I in class, after everyone left. The lamp next to us began to shake. It was by a window. Riley tried to hold it still, but it wasn’t working. It started to shake more and more. Riley and I looked outside. The wind was so strong. We were scared. We both got up to look outside and/or leave. As we’re walking in the classroom, we see an enormous splash of waves through a window. The splash was higher than the house, which indicated that there was a tsunami. Panicked, Riley got her keys and told me we had to get outside. We were terrified. We tried getting outside. That’s all I remember. The dream was much longer, though. There was a lot more before everything I wrote. Drew was there. A lot of kids were there, and I knew a lot of them. I don’t remember who was there that I knew. Also, it wasn’t just the lamp that was moving. There were other things moving that I was trying to hold onto during class, when everyone was there. It wasn’t nearly as bad as the lamp, though. That’s it. .: translation :. ❤︎ Being in school may be bringing you back to a childhood memory that needs to be addressed. The grade you are in may indicate the time of life the dream is set in or the level of maturity you are at in the dream (for instance, you may be acting like you are in junior high school); or something in your waking life is reminding you of someone or something from your past when you were in school. Dreaming of being in a classroom is about learning important life lessons. It also represents personal growth. There are new things you are learning about yourself. Be open to this for the lessons you learn now can help you in your future. If you dream about being at the back of the classroom, it might mean that you are concerned about something, but want to keep your concern hidden. Sitting at the back of a classroom can mean you do not want to give too much attention to the challenges you face. Is there something you’re struggling with? Dreams about school signify that a person is being dominant in your life, and that you are trying to remove that element, but you are unsure how to do it. It’s an indication that “you have been there and done that". ❤︎ A teacher in your dream is a subconscious message to the inner child. It may be a message about a situation that you are going to face. It is important to consider possible advice or guidance. If you dream a teacher is laughing with students: this means one should expect good health and a better life. To see a lot of students in your dream signifies that there will be many people who advice you before you decide. However, you won’t listen anyone and you will notice that your own decision will be the true choice. To see yourself as a student in your dream implies that if you are a student in reality, there will be an issue which makes you happy. To see old classmates in your dream indicate that you need to draw on your old associations with your former classmates to gain insight in some current relationship. It represents a past lesson that you have learned and is applicable in some aspect of your waking life now. Dreaming of students’ having class or playing games in harmony indicates your missing of the time being a student as well as missing of the classmates and teachers. To dream that others are laughing it means you need to ensure that you have good times in the future. Laughing in a dream can be a release of the suffering soul, a way out a hopeless situation. It is important to notice what you are laughing about in your dream, as that object, person, or situation will point to the issue in your life. If someone is laughing with you, this omens pleasant times ahead. ❤︎ If your best friend is also your childhood friend, the dream could be telling you to be more playful, have more fun and be nostalgic with one another as you are the only two who share these memories. A best friend dream might be a reminder to acknowledge the special qualities that they have- perhaps you need to adopt some of these qualities if they are things you admire and aspire to. ❤︎ To see and dream about a Tidal Wave or Tsunami is a powerful symbol. Remember to take note of the size of the tidal wave, the location of the tsunami, the people that you are with, as well as the aftermath if possible. They can all give clues and contexts as to why you are dreaming about the Tsunami tidal wave. In general, a rising tsunami or a tidal wave within a dream represents repressed feelings and emotions. Dreaming about an sudden incoming or rising tidal waves means that some significant events have caused the tidal wave, it was an event not expected before. To drown inside a tsunami suggest that the force of emotion is too strong for you to handle, you can no longer suppress your negative feelings. They usually indicate feeling overwhelmed and fearing our abilities to cope with the circumstances. If the pressure lasts a long time, these dreams might be recurring, as the anxiety and the stress level rise. ❤︎ A storm suggests depression and conflict. To dream of objects in the air that are crashing or being blown about represents emotions that require exploration. This dream is a warning. If in your dream there was a strong wind from the east it means that rapid changes will soon occur in your professional life and that these changes will bring positive developments in your career. Many new opportunities might develop, and you might even have the hard time choosing the right one. ❤︎ If you are dreaming about an emergency, there is a situation in your life that your dream is trying to get you to pay attention to. Dreaming of evacuating symbolizes your neglect and void with your feelings and encounters. If you are very scared when evacuating it means you are running away from a bad situation that is making you anxious. .: end of translation :.