Little Girl Who Sucks Blood from Your Boot

Date: 11/22/2016

By Icha

I've experienced this kind of set up once. But this one is a little bit longer. It's like I was put on some girl's body. It's like me, but skinnier and had a long, wavy hair. I was the 'cool-weird' kid. I remember I was on a training camp with all my schoolmates. But, I was alone. I don't have any specific friend to talk with. I think I'm pretty good handling it, though. I remember my family come to visit me. I go to a small room outside the dorm. The road seemed a little vertical. The dorm and the room was close to each other. And, my mom was there with a little black girl in a ballerina suit. I talked to her, and she seemed a little scared. So, I cut my card into small pieces and place it onto my palm with another Rp. 1.000 coin. I told her that it's a coin and you can buy anything you want with it and all. She became close to me and even wanted to sat on my lap. My father then came into the room with a camera. This part, I'm not sure it's started at the beginning or the middle. Anyway, I was on Attack on Titan AU. But something told me that it's still near the dorm. I was lost with Mikasa beside me. When we get into a large, round field, a group of titans came and blocked the way. And then the ground started to shake and fall. The ground I was on looked like a pond, with all the titans watching us. I was panicked but Mikasa was in her attack position. Then, Eren helped us by turning into a titan. I think this is where I was wake up and it's already morning. I'm not sure the titan thing was just another dream in a dream or what, but I felt like it's normal. So, i get up and go to a long balcony where I can see the sun rise/set from a fucking Mt. Everest. There're a lot of students there. And, I decided to go to my room to pick my comb. I still remember the dorm. It was build from woods, but still strong and all. I didn't felt chilly even though there was a Mt. Everest near our dorm. Every entrance was labeled with room numbers on the bottom side of the entrance. This is probably the scariest part of the dream. I was on a parade, with all my schoolmates. It was on Numbani (one of the Overwatch map), but with less color. There're no posters. Just tall buildings with glass. But since it was a parade, confetti fell from the above. There're road shows and all. When I was going to get something from my bag, I go into the mall (idk why I go to the mall to grab my thing). A schoolmates of mine, and I think she's in my group, warned me about a little girl who sucks blood from your boot (idk 'from' or 'till' your boot, but there was a word 'boot'), and I should be careful. I nodded and go inside. The mall was crowded. At first, I wanted to go upstairs, but then I saw the little girl. The girl was about 140 cm. The hair was braided and on top of her head there was a ribbon with red-white square pattern, which matches her skirt. There's something green on her, either it was the eyes, ribbon on her outfit, I can't recall. But, there was something green on her. So, I cancelled my plan to go upstairs because on the left side, there was the girl. She's looking at me although her eyes was covered by boxes. I don't know why but something tells me not to make eye contact with her, so I did. When I get on the snacks aisle, I looked at my back to see her, and there she was. Popping her head, then slowly pushed it back. My instinct told me to act normal and don't look back often. She might realize that I was aware of her presence. So, I walked to the cold drinks aisle, grabbed the orange Pocari Sweat drink and looked behind me. I was surprised. She was like 3 steps behind me, hiding his body with boxes that settled near the aisle. I picked my pace and run. And then, I woke up. Slightly giggling.