Comedy Road Trip

Date: 3/10/2019

By leathecage

Me and three other girls, only one of which I know in real life, got a comedy gig in the city, and we were all going to drive together to get there. The person I know irl, Caitlin, let me drive her car, which was European. Since the drivers seat was switched, the steering wheel wasn't working the same either. When I turned right, the car would go left, and vice versa. So I ended up making a U-turn at a traffic light instead of making a right turn, so the cops pulled me over. I explained the complication, and they let me off the hook. We made a pitstop to get some balloons for our act, when Caitlin came up to me and told me that the police talked to her about me and said "You're not getting a ticket, you just have to get your driver's license picture taken again but you can't smile". I wasn't too worried about it. We then found ourselves on the highway, but the lanes were separating, and I didn't know which one to drive on. Some of them lead cars into the ocean, whiles others were twisting and turning into loops like rollercoasters. Luckily, I chose the most normal lane and we made it to the city. I found the stage location and drove our compact, European car into the theater. I drove us into an elevator to the second floor, and when the doors open an old man was there. He never heard of out act before, but he said he was excited to see something new.