Andrew Later

Date: 8/4/2018

By royallauren7

I dreamt I came to live in a quaint little town. I was learning to work at a very fancy and popular pizza parlor where the people were very fun and kind and rambunctious. I visited a well known bed and breakfast in the town and found Andrew working there. He seemed as though he was okay at first and he was willing to talk. He brought me a box with old letters and notes, things related to our past relationship. I read them and felt the pain and bitterness. When I looked up from reading I saw the bitterness still remaining in him and he also looked a little crazed. I exited the room cause I was a little scared of the look in his eye. I went to explore the place a little and he followed me. I smiled and walked up the staircase a little asking him if I could look. He become enraged and yelled no. I ran out the exit near by trying to calm him as he chased me. He was yelling profanities and I was yelling for him to calm down. He ran down the hill and someone caught him. For some reason a girl began violently clawing his face. I ran and screamed for them to stop. He looked up at me from his knees, his face bleeding. He looked weak and in great pain, he said, “You ruined our love.”