Wooden rabbits in the forest

Date: 10/1/2019

By TastesLikeWallpaper

It was like I was a child and I was being told a story by an older relative. There was this town of wooden bunnies. The rabbits looked like pieces of logs put together and laid out on the ground. The logs were stripped of bark, so all the rabbits were a light brown color. The bunnies woke up and basically started eating things, mainly tree wood and foliage. Sometimes the bunnies would accidentally nip another bunny and the bunny would cry out, "Hey!" then get up and start eating as well. If the bunny ate a certain amount of wood, it would turn into a real bunny. This was the main goal for all of the wood bunnies. The story took a dark turn, so I asked the storyteller a question, and he continued the story, this time talking about someone's daughter that became a rabbit. The story takes me back to the scene of the town in the woods and there are bunch of townspeople dressed in a Pilgrim style. They are gathered in a crowd and from the center of it something large and heavy is hurled through the air. It ends up hitting one of the townspeople's daughter in the face. The little girl screams and falls to the ground and when she turns back over her face is destroyed. She has no recognizable facial features and there are squirming worms and maggots all over the bloody mess where her face used to be. A town leader takes the girl and he comes back with a wooden rabbit, the same kind from earlier in the story. The story is now being told to me from the perspective off a young wooden rabbit. The rabbit goes on to describe how the population of their town is stressing their ecosystem. All of the rabbits are eating all of the trees, and their appetites are clearing the forest faster than it can rebuild itself. The young rabbit goes on to say that because of this there are less and less younger rabbits being born in that by now the population is mostly adults and elder rabbits, meaning that their way of life is unsustainable.