thick vines/children jumping off roofs/cousin came out as trans/nonstop vibrating phone

Date: 4/10/2018

By crewsock

four dreams in one, buckle up: first, i was in my backyard walking through the trees and stuff talking to someone about what the wanted to cut down, and i just remember walking through the trees and they all has SUPER thick branches that i could walk on without them bending and they were smooth and very unrealistic. there was also this insanely thick vine wrapped around one tree. idk what any of this meant. more stuff happened but i forget what it was. next, im in this neighborhood and im with kids. i leave the house im in and tell the kids to stay safe and not talk to strangers. as soon as i leave, a man approaches the house and tells them they can be part of a cool spy mission (im now watching this unfold from a third person pov). the kids say yes and the guy comes inside and tells them to stand on the fire escapes outside the windows. they are several stories up. below them, sticking out from the second floor, are radiators. the man tells them to find a way to get down to them. one is brave and just jumps. he is unharmed. the other is very nervous and refuses to go. i walk into the room. i ignore the man putting these children up to this and tell the boy to just go, its not that scary. in my mind, i am thinking that he should just use the ladder that slides down from the fire escape, but i dont say that out loud. then i remember watching it unfold from the ground outside the house. there was a crowd watching. i dont know if the second kid ever jumped, or anything else that happened after that, i forget. next, im talking to my aunt and her son, my cousin. irl, he is masculine and conservative. but in this dream, he had a higher voice and had grown his hair out so that it was shoulder length and had bouncy curls. my mom was with me and said she loved him and was proud of him (i dont know what prompted her to say this, but shes a very caring woman so I didn't question it). he said that he was glad she was proud of her neice (refererring to himself), and my aunt corrected him and said "actually, you mean nephew" (he is 18 or 19 btw he knows the difference) and he turns to us and says "actually, it's neice. i am a woman" and then the dream ended and switched to the next one i was in the car going somewhere with my parents and we stopped to get gas. they get out of the car but left their phones in there. suddenly, i got a snapchat call from someone at my school (idk who). i ignored it, but somehow knew they were doing some positivity campaign. suddenly, i got another one, and another one-all from different people. i kept getting these calls and my phone wouldn't quit ringing and i was getting super irritated. i put it on silent but it kept vibrating, and when I tried to turn the vibrating off, it still kept vibrating. my mom has the same phone as me so i tried to see if her phone still vibrated when the vibrate function was turned off but her phone worked fine. i tried my dads even though he has a different phone but his didn't vibrate either. i got so fed up i picked my phone up (still vibrating) and called the manufacturer and went on an angry rant. then i woke up and realized it was my alarm going off.