Gerri and peeing

Date: 12/12/2017

By shelbing

I don’t remember if it was two dreams at two different sleep sessions or one dream. Part “1” After what I’m sure was a long search for a working toilet, I was on a toilet which was in a shower trying to turn the shower off cause I was getting wet. I started peeing and as I peed, I very slowly started to wake up and realized I was actually peeing. Fortunately I was able to stop myself and get up and finish in the toilet. Also fortunately I was wearing a pad so things weren’t wet. Part “2” I was at a meeting, possibly at church and people kept demanding things from me. I ended up having a big argument with Gerri. I don’t know what else she was on about, but I remember she was telling me what she thought should be in the handout. I was telling (yelling at) her that “they” wanted the handout content to fit on two sides of one half sheet. I couldn’t fit all the crap she wanted to appear on it even though those things were important. I told her that the handout included links to our FB page and website which we tried to keep up to date with the information she wanted in the handout. I told her she could do the handout if she thought she could do a better job.