I accidentally stole two truckers' pizza and they try to kill me

Date: 11/28/2022

By PandaPuff

I was at Jerry's and there were lumpy pumpkins outside and I grabbed one to carve. At some point I became the fucking pumpkin? I still hadn't carved the top off yet though, so I was going to do that, but something happened? I was inside in bed (still a pumpkin) and some monster came and destroyed the place.. or was it a tornado..? Idek. Dream switched and Brittany had ordered pizza and I was going to pick it up. L&L suddenly didn't exist anymore so I was confused on where to get the pizza. I saw a random bench with pizza on it and was like this must be it. I ate a slice and tried calling Brittany and my dad but it kept saying their numbers were changed. I tried calling Jerry but it said the same thing. I bent my head backwards and saw two old truckers looking at me. I asked if it was their pizza and they said it was. I was like oops tehe and ran. The whole town had been changed around. I had never seen these stores in my life. I saw some kind of mall looking restaurant and walked in. I was like oh shit I'm barefoot?? But other people didn't have shoes so I was like okay I'll go in. I walked up to the counter and asked if someone named Brittany had placed an order for a pizza and the girl said no. Suddenly a woman behind me who I "knew" (idk who she is actually) said something to me and told me about another pizza place up the road. I walked back to my car and my keys were gone?? But I got inside and one of the truckers was in the backseat and I screamed. He got out and the other trucker had a gun pointed at me, telling me to get out of the car. For whatever reason I had the keys again. I said "no" and floored it while they were shooting at me LMAO