Battle Plan Start! Or is it too late?

Date: 9/6/2017

By hazel_tree

we were in a grocery store. my team and I were hunting down some criminals that we found out from secret intel was planning something big. The back where the employees usually go was filled with workers who have already suffered from the experiments and were laying dead. Blood splattering was everywhere. My team only discovered it from lifting the illusion that one of the criminals had put down. After a bit of flashing foward, I found my team and I had already conjured up a plan and were in the middle of it. I got stuck in an illusion of a giant ice box that was also a garden. Animatronics started coming out of nowhere and came after me. Next thing I know, the illusion broke. I was able to see the visions of everyone I touched and watched how the leader and one of our team members who we had just aquired (he was a vampire who wanted a lot of revenge) switched bodies. This was due to a type of blue aura that was mixed with some odd things and put into a tiny capsule. When the capsule broke, the blue light-infused smoke was inhaleled by both the leader and our vampire at the same time. The criminals thought they had won at that point and were moving on to their next objective of mind controlling everyone and using them as puppets. For a capsule to work, both must be broken at the same time. The leader had sat down in a desk in the back the store and saw the blue capsule on his desk. To him, a blue capsule meant a power boost. Apparently, the leader and his followers had no knowledge of our decievery. I could see the lust in his eyes as he broke the capsule. At that same moment, our vampire broke his capsule and a blue light shined above their heads and quickly ran to the other ones body. The criminal group was in the middle of taking a picture of their boss when a huge smile filled across his face and fangs sprouted from his gums. The group started to panic as the vampire/leader lept up and started to tear the criminals to shreds. On our side, as soon as the leader was in the vampire's body, we sliced his head off. He would've discovered our plans in less that a minute if we didn't kill him in that second. The vampire in the leaders body had incidently started to burn because vampire bodies don't mix well with sorcerers bodies. With our assumed victory, we went out of the grocery store to contact somome about the bodies. However, one criminal remained. He lured a little kid with the illusion of the store front and back being switched. He filled the little kid's head with doing stuff for the better of human kind. The criminal had seen the power in this kid when we had been distracted. If the kid's essence was extracted well enough, the entire criminal group (just 5 were killed) could be revived and have their power boosted well beyond our capabilities. We had a made a grave mistake and only found out too late.