
Date: 3/7/2022

By Bito

I was on an island with my friends trying to get to another island nearby. We were coming up with ideas which I can't remember anymore. However, I remember just laughing the whole time. Anyway we were looking around and we stumbled upon huge shucks of corn. I had a thought that if ancient civilizations grew such crops, they must've been living so well. At that moment, a child hoped out of the brushes. She understood what we were trying to do and explained, intelligently, how it wouldn't work. She led us to a jungle clearing which I guess is where she lived and there we met the mother. The child was so happy to introduce us foreigners but the mom was much less excited. She sent the child off and got really close to speak to me. In a very cryptic way, she told us to leave and that we didn't belong. Her words and tone was neutral but those eyes were hostile. Funny enough, they had a maid who was clearly a foreigner as well.