Date: 11/8/2018
By kristay
So backstory, my family adopted my cousin, he was 2 at the time and 6 now. My uncle wanted him but he was in prison and Is currently out but he was no rights. Anyways In the dream, I’m with a guy and I’m about to ride my motorcycle down to get gas before we go to my cousins party for his b day, weird family members are there and they are all waiting for him to get there well, my mom was at the party my dad was somewhere else and I’m trying to get the the party when someone walks by and pulls a cord from the motorcycle and it won’t start, Then my cousin was somehow with me, I also snorted coke when I’ve never done drugs so that was weird. So, my cousin disappears and I’m stranded at this remote gas station and no man at the gas station will help me. So I panic and walk to the party and I expected my cousin to be there and when he’s not I panic and tell my mom someone took him. I think who would want this kid? 😦 I call my uncle and he’s all like “I’ve always wanted my kid and they tried keeping him from me, so I got him back” and so I’m crying on the phone and saying “you’ve never done anything in your life for anyone let alone me, give me my families kid back because you may be his father but you’re not his dad, you don’t get to take that title.” He started going off and I hung up and then woke up