Date: 8/18/2024
By wahblamy
The first part of this dream I remember, I am walking outside my apartment. There is a group of kids who are playing outside. I hope that I can walk past them without them asking me to play but alas, they ask me to play. I said yes enthusiastically but was also aware that I am a big person. We started to play a card game around an extremely large circular table. It turns out we are next to their daycare and there are two other adults playing with us too, and a friend of mine next to me. The card game is complicated but I am favored in the game. The next scene I remember, I am in a massive hardware store or store of some kind, kind of like Costco. I am talking to a worker who seems to be my friend and I am updating him on my work timeline. He thought it went differently and that there was bad blood. I said no etc. There was one part when I am hanging out with my brother and 3 of his friends. Two of them are obviously interested in me and things get a little heated to the point where me and one of the guys goes to his room. It seems like a dorm room situation. His room is decorated with a vintage IKEA style and I'm not sure if I made the right choice between the two fellas. I thought I would have to choose this one because he was more insistent and I need my nookie now! (lol perhaps something to work on). The guy that perhaps I should have chosen wasn't willing to fight someone for me. Ok next scene, and this is where it gets lucid. For some reason I got a last minute flight to Winnipeg. Maybe there was a course I was taking or a friend I was visiting. I was now walking around town in Winnipeg and I had a little dog with me, the entire time I'm walking I know that I am dreaming, but instead of trying to make anything happen, I surrender to whatever might happen with an optimistic attitude. I do feel slightly experimental, like I can't just waste the lucidity on walking around. I go into a house/apartment and no one is home but it is lived in, so I leave out the front door. Just walking around, the dog is following me but having a hard time keeping up! The end!