Klepto lady

Date: 3/29/2020

By xCaligo

I was sitting on my bed talking with my mom about idk what and the window was open so that we could enjoy a nice day. I guess I wasn’t paying attention but this fat black lady comes up to our window and starts asking for something I’m not sure what, but I see her reach her hand in the window and she grabs a stick of deodorant that was one my bed. I shout hey give that back and she drops it but then starts accusing us of something and reaches in to grab something else. I slap her hand away and tell her that she needs to leave us alone. She back up a little but cursing profanities at us and my mom and I frantically try to close the window. We get it closed but the lady is still making a ton of noise in the front yard and my dad goes to the door to see what is going on he opens the door (we don’t have a peephole) and she marched up to the door to chew my dad out. He see her agressive demeanor and just shuts the door in her face not willing to give her the time of day. This just enrages her more and she starts pounding on the door asking for the same thing earlier. Our cat paige is going crazy meowing and darting around the house. The banging stops for a bit and My dad goes to make sure the back door is locked and then I see her on our deck looking in through the window. My dad says that he needs to get the car out for some reason ifk why this couldn’t wait and he goes to the garage. The lady lumbers back to the front yard and I check to see if the coast was clear I put my phone on the campbell desk that used to be by the door. I felt pretty stupid because she was right outside and she throws a pudgy arm at the door trying to keep it open. Thankfully she didn’t have time to put her hand between the door frame and the door or that could have been difficult to close and potentially messy. I was strong enough to push her back and flip the deadbolt but she has a lot of weight on me and she proceeded to throw herself at the door and screaming at us. I was getting pretty worried I braced the door with my body leaning against the campbell desk and keeping my fingers tightly on the deadbolt making sure it wouldn’t open. I knew the door wasn’t really all that strong and it was a losing battle. I called for my dad and said maybe we should call 911 and he was like “yeah that would probably be a good idea, I’ll look for my phone”. I knew my phone was on the desk right next to me but I would have to take my hands off the deadbolt which was also somehow trying to open itself. I took a handoff for half a second and mashed the home button activating siri. I was about to say “call 911” but then the dream changed. I was now looking on to this side view of a young teenage girl that I’m pretty sure was naked and she was standing on one of two pool tables she did a front flip and landed mostly on her back. It looked like it hurt a little bit but I didn’t get a chance to see her reaction. I woke up soon after that. The room was either a party atmosphere with tons of peope surrounding the tables or none at all, I just know they weren’t really involved if they were. Anyway rather odd dream.