Strange world, story that wasn’t fully told

Date: 1/6/2021

By ItsABlackCat

I haven’t written down my dreams in a while. For some reason this one is ‘stuck in my head,’ I guess because the song I remember from the dream has been stuck in my head. A big thing I remember is that ball-room type song, played on a string assembly. I think mostly violins (maybe violas and cellos? I don’t remember much bass in the melody). It went like “trip-l-et dotted-quarter, eighth trip-l-et dotted-quarter, eighth,” twice; the first time it’s SOMETHING like “C Eb F, G, G, F Eb D, Eb, C” the second time it’s like “C Eb G, C (octave up), C (and double stopped Ab, I remember that for some reason) C, D, C-B-C”. (That last bit I’m not sure of). Then it repeats with the triplet starting on D up an octave. I’m not sure, I’m not good with the notes or writing them down, but I can hear it in my head so clearly and.... it’s something like that.... EDIT: I was humming it and Gray said it was “Howl’s Moving Castle,” which is weird since I don’t know that song. When I listened to it it sounded exactly the same though, so I think that’s it. Weird... I remember bits and pieces. It was anime-style; that is, animated, not realistic. I didn’t seem to be a character myself. Instead, I was watching as if from an ‘audience,’ like it was a story playing through my head. Some bits I remember: Some (random-seeming, but ‘special’) kids ended up ‘on the run’ in a way. Somehow they’re given refuge / are hidden away in a secluded, medieval-style building at the outskirts of a small village. There were thick trees all around, which furthered the impression of ‘secludedness’ all around. I remember a ‘scene’ which switched between a porch-like area (a lot of stone and stone bricks are used; they’re not crumbling or damaged but aren’t pristinely smooth, either) and the inside of the building. The layout reminded me more of a(n older) Japanese style. It was pretty open; the walls, in a different style, were this stone, and the roofing was slate or perhaps other stone? It wasn’t modern. There were lots of windows which were just openings (square, usually) in the stone bricks with trapdoor type wooden covers that could latch closed (their latches were iron). The materials themselves reminded me of the stone, wood, and reinforced building things in ARK- Survival Evolved (the game). There was a ‘back’ area where the building kind of had an L shape, that almost provided two walls to this outdoor area... kinda like this: = doors | walls | Entrances | |—=———=——-| | Dirt-like area Porch | Indoors | (Path-like, big) Area |___________| (Small) Outdoor area (Beyond this: Trees) The porch area had stone stairs that lead down to the area around, connecting to each wall. I don’t think there were railings of any sort. Like I said, it was an older style building. But the entrances were very open, it had an airy feeling to it, while at the same time being very withdrawn. Anyways, on this porch area we’re four or five kids I think. Two or three were sitting down on the stone or the stairs, the others were standing on the porch, leaning against the (outdoor) walls and/or the doorway, OR maybe one of them was sitting down on the (wooden? Bamboo?) floor inside of the building. Either way, one kid I remember the most was a boy, maybe ten or eleven— he couldn’t be younger than eight. Fourteen tops. He had kind of thin black hair that just touched his shoulders; it wasn’t voluminously messy, but it wasn’t clean or particularly soft-looking, either. It was a bit scraggly. He had dark sunken eyes and dark bags underneath of them. He didn’t seem to smile often. His lips were kinda pouty and his skin was sickly pale. He reminded me of what young Aizawa (from MHA) might look like. He was pretty bony; and wore some basic pants, slightly too big leather boots, a loose (dirty) short sleeved shirt and a leather jerkin over top, and a green cloak drawn back. He also wore some sort of necklace— I remember seeing the black leather cord tucked down into his shirt. He seemed slightly irritable and withdrawn, and was a bit snappy. The others teased him a bit as if he were normally crabby and they didn’t care as much. He was sitting on the stairs on his own, more distanced from the others. He had a large pocket on the inside of his cloak that he occasionally fingered, as if considering reaching in and pulling out whatever was in it. Next to him was a small, child(him)-sized wooden (or bamboo of sorts???) bow, very flexible looking, a light color with a thick string and dark purple tinted ends. Behind him (either in the doorway or the floor inside, or maybe leaning against the wall next to the doorway of the building?) was a girl about his age. I think she might’ve been slightly older. She was thin / bony, too, but had more muscle on her. Her hair was light brown, chestnut, short but pulled into a short ponytail; two strips of hair on either side of her face hung down, just to her chin, probably too short to pull into the ponytail. Her eyes were muddy brown but turned golden hazel when she actually glanced towards the sun; her eyelashes were short but kinda shiny. She seemed more angry than irritable; slightly fiery. She also seemed like she was *secretly* curious / adventurous. She wore a similar outfit: the same (loose-ish) pants, black leather boots, a short sleeved shirt with leather stitches across the V neckline (which closed it in a similar way to how shoelaces cross), and a green cloak— she didn’t have the jerkin like he did, and her cloak was more well-fastened, less hanging off her frame like the boy’s and more ‘on.’ She didn’t have a necklace that I remember, but one of her hands had a well-fitting black leather glove with some strange symbol stitched small on the back. She was holding / mindlessly playing with something; a knife, maybe, or I think some sort of weapon— an extendable iron rod, a small pointed blade, even a throwing star, I forget. She had less of a tired look on her face and more of a “I may be fifteen but I’ll slit your throat if you irritate me” look. Her posture was relaxed but in a way that suggested she was ‘ready’ for action or had reflexes constantly pricked. She kept glancing at this boy, who was purposefully ignoring her. He seemed irritated with her. She seemed irritated with him, but at the same time like she wanted to talk to him / be his friend...? There was another boy there who was build sturdier— he was still skinny but had broad shoulders, thicker arms and a thicker neck, bigger hands and feet; and he was tall, looked like he would be very tall once he had a growth spurt or two. He was blonde and had a kinder looking face. He wasn’t smiley or anything but didn’t look like he was depressed or wanted to kill you. He had surprisingly good posture— not perfect but better than the others. He seemed the same age, though, as the girl. He was sitting with his knees up to either side of him on the porch area, maybe leaning against one of the walls. He had big brown leather boots, baggier pants than the others, a dirty light-colored short sleeved shirt like the girl’s, and wore a leather vest. His green cloak was thrown over his shoulder. He had a brown leather belt with a hilt that sheathed what looked like a short broadsword. His hair was blonde and windswept, short. His face was very clean when it came to hair but he had kind of a lot of acne (as much as anime characters can have...), it almost looked like freckles though, lining his hairline and the sides of his face and scattered over his nose and cheeks. His eyes were baby blueish green, teal, the same color as the sea on pretty days. His eyelashes were brown, blonde in the light, and pretty long. He was in a daydreamy state, looking up at the sky while talking to the rest. He didn’t seem to expect very many answers. Finally, the last kid I remember is another girl. I think she’s the oldest of the group; she seems more mature. I’d guess 16? Maybe 17? She couldn’t be older than 18 or younger than 14 definitely. She had shorter hair, a dark rust color— just red enough for you to call it that but mostly brown. It was swept to the side like that old haircut which was popular with DanTDM except it was ‘natural,’ and her hair was curly. She had a very sharp, set jawline, brown eyes slanted down at the corners slightly, a big nose covered in tons of dark freckles, and dark lips. She had close clusters of freckles on her nose and cheeks, right below her eyes and to the side, but everywhere else on her face was ‘blank’ white. She had a bit of acne too I think but it was hidden by the dark freckles. Her outfit was the most different of the kids; she wore the same pants, but they were cuffed halfway up her calf— and her boots were much shorter, only coming up to just above her ankles. They had thicker, more ‘textured’ soles, like hiking shoes or something. She wore a long-sleeved shirt which was tighter around her arms but hung loose otherwise, and was tucked somewhat into her pants: she had a belt like the blonde boy but instead of a sword sheath thing, she had a small pouch that was securely fastened with leather and surprisingly small iron fastens and buckles. Over top she had her cloak, tied around her waist like a sweatshirt; and her shoulders had leather pads on them. She had a choker-like leather thing around her neck with strange iron buckles just like her belt. Her hair was messy but in a more charming way than the black-haired boy’s hair was— though it was greasier looking, too. She had her arms crossed, I forget where she was exactly, I think leaning (standing up) against a wall. She was the only one who was really talking back to the blonde boy. They seemed to get along okay. I remember they were talking about ‘pairings.’ The blonde and redhead kids were paired up for something. They seemed to be insinuating that the other two were supposed to be paired up, but the black haired boy was purposefully ignoring the other girl, and both were too passive-aggressive and irritable to initiate conversation. The blonde boy asked the black haired boy, at one point, if they were teamed up. The black haired boy said something like, “I don’t care what they say, I don’t even wanna be here.” The other (brown haired) girl just kinda scoffed at this and continued fiddling with her knife / thing. The scene inside of the building was different, but still was focused around the kids. There were two (older) kids there; one looked as if she could be the older sister of the blonde haired boy but I forget what the other looked like. Both seemed more mature than the other kids. They were in some sort of ‘living’ room, which was focused around a large stone brick (to match the walls) hearth, slightly rounded and basic. There was a big twine sort of rug/mat in the near center of the room. Other than that it was pretty empty. The floor was a more polished (but still dull) stone, darker in color. There were two entrances to the room; one to the far left side, on the same wall as the hearth; the other on the opposite wall as a much larger, rounded, more ‘open’ doorway. It didn’t have a door, but the doorway by the hearth did— a wooden door reinforced with iron strips. As for furniture, there was maybe a basic wooden ‘cabinet’ (again, not modern), perhaps a metal stand / ‘tiki’ upon which a fire can be lit, maybe a ‘war’ desk of sorts (a large, more square — less rectangle— table, which has a mini setup of a certain land on it, sometimes with figurines you can push around... that table?). On the walls a few banners and tapestries were hung, and most notably there was a large (woven) map, very intricate and expensive looking, with slight (real/shiny) gold embroidery around the borders and lining the different titles. It was brightly colorful (most other things in the room, for example the DULL GRAY walls and floor, weren’t) and was made of a thick, tightly-woven, valuable / high-quality looking cloth material. There were torches on the walls every so often, held in place by basic iron sconces. Also, there was a wooden trophy thing on the wall which had a fancy, shiny opalescent type sword strapped to it as a showpiece; and above the hearth was an animal head, a deer I think, but its eyes were white blue. Anyways in this room, besides the two ‘maturer’ kids, were a few adults. I’d say there were maybe five people in the room total. The adults seemed like your classic ‘medieval-themed fantasy movie’ characters: there were two guys and a woman I think, one guy had longer brown hair and slight stubble, he was middle aged with decent appearance for it except for his darkly circled eyes. He was thin but well-built with good muscle, he had an ‘adventurer’s’ type outfit, with a dark cloak swept back behind him, and he had a belt with a sheathed long sword. The other guy was taller, with bigger muscles (especially arms) but still an overall ‘lean’ build. He wore a very short-sleeved shirt and a leather jerkin, and a belt with a dagger sheath buckling over top of long, thick-seeming pants and tall, sturdy boots. He had a more serious expression on his (wide) face, which had a strong jawline. He seemed very ‘manly.’ He had shorter hair that came down maybe halfway down his neck in the back but was otherwise short. He had a slight beard and stubble. He had a big spear in hand which he used almost like a staff, leaning slightly into it as it propped him up from the floor. He seemed like a rash person, and the ‘technical’ leader, but the other leaner man seemed like more of the person who everyone looked to for plans. The woman was very well-built, pretty wall but shorter than the second dude, with very prominent arm muscles. She wore almost the same outfit as the second guy but had a long black cloak fasted over top. Her hair was shorter, shaved on the sides and pulled into a tight braid. She had a sheath like the other two but her sword was unsheathed to reveal a curved, cutlass-like sword. She had silver eyes. The adults were talking about some plan. It sounded like they— more likely the children back on the porch type area— were fugitives of some sort, were on the run so to speak; or were otherwise being ‘hunted’ by somebody. This place was supposed to be a safe hideout but whoever was after them was coming for ‘inspections’ soon. The thinner guy suggested they pack up now, erase any evidence they were there, and go somewhere else. The bigger guy seemed angry at this and said they should stand their ground and stay, maybe just hide the kids in the basement or something. The woman agreed with him, saying that they didn’t have anywhere else to go, anyways. One of the kids asserted that he knew someone, a place they could go. It seemed like a rushed, intense conversation: they were on the clock. Another ‘scene’ I remember is in a more public place. It’s like a sort of town or village. The buildings are all medieval style but more crowded, stuffy; less open. The roads were all dirt and dry dust, though it wasn’t a desert or anything. People milled about doing whatever. Near the center was a town square kind of area; there was a stage with a gallows there, and around it a stone circular ‘path’ or area for people to stand and watch I guess? And there was a well nearby too. On the stage was a man or two, and just below it, speaking to them, was a woman— she was married to one of the men. This husband I remember especially well. He had a ‘tricky, manipulative salesman’ vibe. He was lean, not muscled but not bony— he just seemed ‘flexy’ if that makes any sense— and a more point face. His jawline was weaker and his face ended in a point, his ‘chin’ (it was anime style). He had a long, thin nose, and regular-sized eyes which, in ‘intense’ moments, would narrow to slits which shined like cats eyes. His hair was an odd mix of silver, blondish, and dark brown; it stuck up near the middle and was swept over to the side in front, but less naturally than the kids in the other scene; his eyes were silvery gray-blue but shined purple sometimes. He wore an extravagant outfit— an aristocrat, Victorian style vest, with a plain light colored long-sleeved shirt underneath, which he had cuffed right before his elbows— it was colored reds, silvers, and purples in certain places, and his black leather boots were thin and well-fitted to his feet / calf. Underneath of the vest, in place of a tie, was an odd chainmail thing. His outfit was still ‘old’ fashioned, not modern. His wife had short, Dora-like hair, but it suited her. It, too, was more obviously styled rather than natural. It was a strong brown color, it almost seemed dyed. Her eyes were pointed at the ends and SLIGHTLY tilted up, but still pretty wide; her irises were a pretty green color. She wore a Victorian style dress, not too puffy but definitely not tight fitted or thin; it was a light blue and fancy looking. She had a fancy matching bag in her hand. Then it skipped to a lady standing / peeking around a corner. She seemed kinda sus ngl. She had long, silvery hair and an annoyingly beautiful face, elven almost. She was pink/pale. She wore a simple yet pretty, thin dress which seemed more comfortable than the other lady’s poofy one. This second lady was going to go talk to the first. Then something happened; all I remember is the man collapsing, he looks like he died. Nobody around seems to notice, one guy nearby seems to think he’s just drunk. The lady with silvery hair comes up to the ‘scene,’ where the First Lady is grappling with her husband’s corpse / unconscious body. There’s a murder scene vibe going around. The lady with the long hair, I’m calling her Silver, comes up and whispers to the other lady. Some sort of instruction; something urgent. Something like, “do this if you don’t want them to find out.” It seemed important that nobody found out. The short-haired lady half-carried, half dragged her husband’s body down to the town gate. It was very tense, it felt as if she were going to be found out any moment. Surprisingly she didn’t seem that upset about his death, though she seemed scared. She dragged him past a guard and I remember her panic. But he didn’t say anything; her fancy appearance must’ve stopped him from being suspicious. She dragged him out of the gate where hundreds of bodies were laying. People were dragging them there, people with hoods or dark cloaks; poorer people, women with thin cheeks and sunken eyes who clearly hadn’t eaten in a long time. This lady and her fancy husband’s corpse, with its smoking jacket and uniquely colored hair, seemed out of place. She dragged him over and threw him underneath of a body blanket/bag thing. She seemed like she wanted to get out of there as soon as possible; nobody could find out. Then, there’s one more scene. It’s shorter. At the front of the building in the first scene, the three adults and two older kids are waiting tensely. It seems the thinner man won whatever argument they were having. The kids seemed especially tense, the woman seemed angry but scared too. They were waiting in the open dirt path type area, which seemed to be an old road / ‘parking lot’ for carriages and horses. Sure enough, a little while later a carriage pulls up. It’s not a fancy carriage but it’s driven by strong horses, black as night, with scary eyes. A few people get out of the carriage— of those I remember: Silver, the woman from before; the lady whose husband had apparently died, in the poofy dress with short hair; two to four guard-looking men; and a man who seemed to be a captain, boss, or otherwise man in charge. He was build wide but thin, and had a commanding look about him. Silver seemed wary, anxious; the other woman seemed more obviously scared and nervous. The guards seemed almost bored or playful, aggressive and ready to fight or hurt someone. The boss gave off a chillingly mean aura. The adults talked, it started off as very forcefully polite; the boss seemed to want something. Silver and the other woman kept looking at each other. I couldn’t tell whose ‘side’ they were on or what they were planning. The woman with short hair seemed to know the woman from the building, with silver eyes— though they didn’t seem too friendly (or too hateful) towards each other. I think the people were there for the kids, though. It seemed a fight was going to happen. The ‘camera’ panned to the back porch, but the house was eerily quiet; with the forced smalltalk of the adults in the background, all I could hear as it ‘panned’ around the house was a quiet wind, a sort of chime somewhere, and slight rustling of leaves. No birds or anything. The sky was blank and the air had a light gray feeling to it, like everything was holding its breath. The kids were nowhere to be seen— the house all of a sudden seemed abandoned. Not old-abandoned, but recently-abandoned; like a house whose fireplace is still cooling but whose owners are long gone. That’s the feeling it had. If I were there in person I know I would’ve felt chilling breezes in otherwise comfortably cool air. I would’ve been shivering, my hands would’ve been cold.