More zombie apocalypses

Date: 10/31/2017

By nolan_truth

My parents, my brother and I were at our old house in Greensboro. My family was packing their belongings into cardboard boxes. I was hurrying my parents to pack up and go, but they insisted that I find and pack my calculus textbook before we all left. I explained that because our house had such large glass windows, it would not be secure if the zombies arrived in our neighborhood. I suggested that we move to one of the neighbor's houses, which had much smaller windows, which would be easier to board up. Finally, we were ready to move. By this point it was dark. We hurried across the abandoned street, and into our neighbor's house, who had left somewhere already. Inside was a very tall spiral staircase that led up to a finished attic. My dad remarked that he was never more glad for his neighbor's tall house. We made our way up to the second story, where we could look out at the street below.  We noticed that there was a military blockade set up at on the far side of street. There were sandbags and sniper towers manned by soldiers. We could just barely make out their green helmets. Suddenly, we heard gunshots and could see muzzle flashes in the dark. We could distinctly hear a reporter talking somewhere. He said something like, "tonight folks, we'll see whether these soldiers can hold out against the horde, or whether they'll be overrun. Stay tuned." My dad said that we would be able to see the zombies at dawn, and sure enough, when dawn finally arrived, we could see several zombies running at the blockade. One had managed to get around the back of the blockade unnoticed, and climbed up a sniper tower. He managed to bite and soldier and the reporter before being killed, but it was too late. Now attacked from two sides, the blockade quickly disintegrated.  My family huddled in the attic, hoping that we would go unnoticed by the zombies.  ***Dream skips*** We now had several survivors living with us in the attic. Somehow up until this point we had managed to avoid getting noticed by the zombies. At the bottom of the staircase, we had a sentry always posted, who would tell us when the zombies tried to break into the house.  Suddenly, the sentry ran up. Her name was Hannah. She told us that there were four zombies that had broken in through a window and were trying to get up the stairs. We asked whether she had any contact with the zombies, and she responded in the negative, but she kept clutching her side. Suspicious, I said she ought to be put into quarantine while we prepared to deal with the four zombies.  The best weapons we had were several long wooden dowels, but since the staircase was such a great choke point, we figured we would be able to handle the zombies easily. We saw the zombies slowly shamble up the stairs. Dowel in hand, I rushed up to one and poked it into the eye. It's head promptly exploded. One zombie propped it's head up on a railing, looked us in the eye, and said "Hello!" "It's a friendly zombie!" Someone exclaimed. Before we could do anything, someone poked it in the chest, it fell down the stairs, and didn't get up again. We quickly poked the rest of the zombies in the eyes and exploded their heads.  ***dream ends***