From Nobody to Somebody

Date: 4/27/2019

By AzaleahRiddle

So this dream starts with me in school. In the dream we are in a kind of classroom taking an exam in english. So I was late here but somehow I still got to answer all of the questions in the questionnaire. In the test there is this about one literature about a mythical falls. I can't remember the exact name but it's called something like 'Mountain of Olaines'. There are other stories there with words being translated in Indian language or is it Hebrew? Anyways after the test I kinda transfer in this local wet market that in the dream I am believed as Baguio. In the dream I am entering this convenience store since the store that I usually go to is closed. As I enter, I heard the cashiers gossiping about the closed store saying some kind of robbery being caused of the murder of the owner. Somehow I feel guilty hearing this like I am the reason of the murder and is getting away with it. I stiffly went to hygiene products where I proceeded to by some facial mask. I am caught bys some relative of mine doing this. I don't know if it's my brother or father saying 'You're buying that?' Then I nonchalantly goes to the counter to buy it. There I saw that one of my cashiers is a classmate of mine. She kept on making some mistakes but the manager is patiently guiding and correcting her. My Mom is suddenly is there saying that I should also work there. Then we left the store after buying the things. The day shift and I am strolling around the market when I saw this eatery. There is some kind of new friend being made there and some nonsense chatter then the day shift again this time nightime where I am with my brother and we enter this store thinking it is a supermarket but instead it's a store selling bags, shoes and shirts at a low price. My brother saw this bag that he liked and asked one of the assistants. I saw that it's one of our cousin Jason. My brother didn't notice it until the last minute where he said 'Jason?' and Jason said 'Yeah'. We asked how much is for the bag and he said that there's no need since he is paying it but still said the price around 36 to 37. At first I am believed that it is in thousand peso. But as I overhear that Jason being scolded by the manager I realized that he did not say that it's in thousand. That is also the time where I realized that Jason also worked as a barista in starbucks. Thinking that it's some kind of way for him to earn more money I dismissed it immediately. Another shift then we are back in the eatery. We did not stay long in the eatery but outside in front of it there is this stall that is selling some cellphone accessories. Thinking if I could get away with stealing one head phone, I grabbed one but suddenly the owner is into me. Saying us that ti your liking. As a way of excuse I try it to my phone and played a song calle 'Happy..' something. Then when the owner did not remove her attention from me I put it back. The dream shift again this time I am back in the school with Jazer. There is a space between us. Thinking that I am mad at her. She suddenly starts to leave and cry. I followed her and pat her head with a smile that's how she know that nope, I am not mad at her. Then she explain that she thought I am mad and since she don't have anybody there except for me she cried. She also said that there's Czarina but you know there's still a rift between them. So the dream shifts again, this time I am with Changmin walking along the street with the intention of buying ingredients for our food. Then he called some backup so I asked who it was but he only said 'You'll see.' Somehow I got a feeling thay it'll be Chanyeol and guess what it is him. So we arrived at his apartment. So Chanyeol joined us together with his roommate that's also a celebrity. Somehow fans got wind of it. That's when I thought that we're in a reality show having a challenge of shopping with an artist that have a lot of fans. The grounds start shaking and that's the only warning we got when we saw this mob of fans. We hid in this kind of classroom. Then that's where I saw other celebrities. I asked one of them if they are famous. He got offended about it but Changmin told them that I am not watching T.V. so that's why I am not updated with them. So that's how I got a feeling that I am the only non-celebrity there. There is 'Hwarang' (A female celebrity that I didn't know if she really exist) there, also Leetuk. They are the only one I remembered. We discussed what kind of food we are making coming up with sinigang and the plan to disperse. With the celebrity distracting the fans and me buying the ingredients. So that's how we did it. It's a bad idea. Since I am not familiar with the place I don't know where to buy the things I needed. Worse is I don't have the ingredients list. So thinking of this and also thinking of the show. I decided to just be cool in front of the cam, thinking that it's my chance to be discovered as a hidden star. I easily maneuvered over obstacle that is put there. Doing it with charms and grace. When I reach the end that's only when I remember I got a phone. I start to dial Changmin's number even though I know Chanyeol got the list but since he got the most fans I don't think he could answer the phone. When he answered it the focus of the dream is suddenly on him showing that is walking calmly with no fans around compared to Chanyeol who is keep on running and evading his mob of a fans. So I told him my dillema, saying that he search it through the net and send it to me. Somehow he told me that's not feasible so in the end I told him that I will buy it but it will be Filipino style then she said that's fine. In the dream I think that there's a Korean style Sinigang so that's why I am hesitant to buy the ingredients. Somehow in finding the way where to buy the ingredients I came upon my classmates that is also non-celebrity and decided to ask for their help. The dream shift again and we are in this nipa hut having completed the mission. It is connected to a vehicle so it's started moving with us discussing the next mission. The next mission is kinda fuzzier than my dream and doesn't make any sense like it's a preview of a next episode. There is show that a man is shoot with fout bullets, me buying a probiotic drink from a store, and me and Changmin meeting up in a place.