Date: 1/15/2018

By Elina15

I can’t even remember much of this dream but it was so vivid while I was in it that I feel compelled to put it down. I was with a loved one, maybe a partner of mine, but I can’t quite see the image in my mine. From the feeling of the dream it felt like it was a significant other. I never saw an actual image of my significant other in real life, but the way we were postured in the dream made me feel a romantic connection. We were standing in the street and it was dark outside. The sky looked so majestic. Instead of the sky being a dark black or deep purple like it usually is, this time the sky looked like those galaxy pictures you see on the internet. There seemed to be millions of visible stats out. In all directions there were UFOS in the air. Dark gray metal in the air. And as other people around us were looking and pointing most were running. I could feel my significant other who was holding my hand attempt to pull my arm and run as well. But I kept us put. I stood there in awe looking at the sky and just thinking omg. I believe that I started to get emotional. And shortly after that the dream ended.