Date: 6/23/2019
By SlightlyyParalyzed
Once I fell asleep- It was instantly pitch black (it is always dark in my episodes) and I was laying down on the bed obviously, I was already hurting in my neck and sides and stomach (people always say they feel pressure in chest but mine isn’t like that I feel pain, like someone is twisting knives inside me) and then i heard multiple people talking fastly saying a lot of rude things like cursing blatantly about nothing. Just plain cursing, I was thinking (but yelling) for them to shut up and leave me alone and I started wiggling my feet like I always do. I did that for what felt like forever, and the cursing kept going and getting louder as if I was asleep and the room was full of people cursing and it felt like they were just about to grab me and I couldn’t do anything about it. I finally woke up and I had to sit up fast I was delirious and almost passed back out immediately because I was so weak and out of it. Felt like I was on drugs. This dream scared me because it sounded like they were chanting, and I wondered why I dreamt it.