Everyone was dying?

Date: 3/30/2018

By jihope

I was in my old subdivision(Fairgrove dr.) and I cant remember what I was doing but I was at the end of the street and I just knew everyone was going to start dying. There were these two Asian girls and I remember seeing them collapse in their garage (also I remember seeing that their garage had two openings and it was just weird remembering back). Then I saw an old man somehow ice skating down the road. I knew he was going to die so I followed him to try and prevent that. I dont remember what happened with the old man but I was all of a sudden at my old house at the other end of the street. I saw my brother in the garage. I went inside and there was a ton of food laid out like a buffet. I felt as though I hadn't been home in days. I started grabbing different foods and eating them and I remember how good they tasted but I cant remember any of the specific foods. My mom was in the den on my dads computer probably doing what she usually does. Then I went into my garage and my brother was gone. I got really worried and started looking for him and he ended up being on the side walk right outside of our garage. But I noticed he was really weird. The only way I can describe him is that all of a sudden he was disabled like he had polio or something. His ankles twisted along with his hands and his face looked distorted and I could tell he was suffering. He then collapsed on the ground and before he fell I protected his head so he would hit it on the cement. (At this time my house looked like the current house I live in but it was on the subdivision I used to live on). I ran to the porch and rang the doorbell and knocked on the window and told my mom to call 911. She understood I assume. I ran back to my brother and I remember I just kept telling him he was okay and was only having a migraine? His eyes were closed. My mom ran out with an old Nokia flip phone that she used to have back in 2005ish. I was a little mad for some reason only because she used the Nokia instead of a modern phone but I guess it still worked to call 911. Then my dream ended. This was the second dream I had of the night.