Enrolling At A Magic School

Date: 11/2/2023

By WhoPotterVianOffTwitter

My brother was loading luggage into the car. I was about to enroll at a Hogwarts-esque magic school in York. I suddenly remembered I hadn't done my sandwiches for lunch and hurriedly cobbled something together. I told my Mum a rumour I heard that we would be watching a 2006 Addams Family movie in our first lesson. She thought that sounded a bit random, and I commented that watching Harry Potter would have made more sense. Upon arriving at the magic school, I rushed off to the school's cinema, convinced that's where my first lesson would take place. I overheard one of the staff members saying that it was a 2006 Addams Family film they were showing, then noticed a sign that it was only for sixth year magic school students, so left. I checked my timetable, and saw that my first lesson wasn't until 12:30. When it arrived, the teacher sent us to the cinema anyway for the Addams Family movie.