Date: 3/28/2019
By iamghislaine
When all the buses were coming i realized we were going on vacation and I didn’t have the right clothes. I decided to run into Target but it was strange. Like, in a castle? I had to jump through several hurdles. When i finally got to the floor I wanted i saw janice talking to a sale associate. When she saw me she said we had we had to go. She was clearly annoyed. Said the buses were going to leave. I followed her out. I tried to rather but i lost her. When i got the bus i had to sit in the front. By myself. Everyone was already sitting with people. I felt like a loser. I spot Ale in the back sitting with some ppl. And Blake B on the row behind me but diagonal to me. He didn’t speak. Just looked at me periodically. When we finally get to our destination we looked around. i see “this is not Santa’s Enchanted Forest. It was like the lot of the fair grounds. We tell the driver he starts trying to bust a mission to leave. Somehow ale, Laura Winchester a couple of the girls and I get left behind. We start trying to chase him. We run through was looks like a resort. To take a short cut to catch up to him. When we get to bus we attached ourselves to it somehow. But he starts driving crazy and we end up “detaching” from the bus. Then we went back to school. We were in Mr. Viena’s classroom. We turned on the TV and were trying to figure out if we should go home or drive ourselves back to Santa’s. A lady in the room said we could still get a discount if we went the next day (Saturday). Then I freak out. Thinking i had left my phone. I found it in my cargo pants (that i was wearing in the real world before following asleep). I freaked out about my keys. Turns out i still had them too. Everyone laughed. Like it was expected of me to forget. Everyone including Ale left. Laura W starts telling me how she’s so happy that her dad finally left the house. She tells me she hasn’t really been talking to no one except _______ and “Black Pam” (danica told me about Pam during RL that day) We’re talking and she needed something from the closet. Mr. Vienna said to wait for him so he could help us reach. He went to the rest room and we tried to grab anyway. Everything fell. It was like a stack of iPhone boxes. There was also that looked like a pregnancy test box. When he came outside i said “we never listen” and he laughed. But then he kind of started flirting? He asked something about when my mom would consider me a woman. I jokingly said 82. He walked away and came back naked with a floatie around his waist. With like ducks on it? Laura and i left. I end up on like IG story and Tati Burgo got her first client. Another girl was modeling. One was very pretty sparking gown skirt.