Date: 3/27/2022

By Keelyn

I went to dallas with my family to go to a new and upgraded 6 flags. first we got on this cruise ship that would spin in circles inside of this fairly small lake. then we would be strapped in to the ends of the ship while the ship dipped each side underneath the water for about 3 seconds at a time. i was next to jb and brat. honestly it was so fun. when we were about to get off, the driver of the ship parked near the shore and my brother went and got in the driver seat and took off. somehow he got the ship on the interstate and was driving it down the highway. i told him to turn around and go back so he did. he dropped me off about a mile away for some reason while he went back. i started walking back to 6 flags when i started passing a huge group of people sitting on about a mile worth of steps going down. i was stepping over and around people as they were all sitting down eating food and laughing. it looked like a football tailgate kinda thing going on. on my way back i ran into 2 old friends who i explained the whole cruise ship thing to and they laughed and stuff while they followed me back. we got back and one of them asked me if i’d like to join a brother hood. said that they were connected to about 3 or 4 other ones and their plan was to build a planet. only thing is i had to sign in blood and go through a series of tests with a huge group of other people. i don’t remember saying yes or no but somehow i synced to a higher dimensional lobby. like a video game or something. i did about 3 or 4 tests but at the time of writing this i can only remember 2 in great detail. first one was called something like “bullshit” or something. we were placed in a random house setting and had to lead random animals like cats dogs and pigs to a bowl of food without touching them at all. i did super good with this one. i did about 8 or 9 correctly. missed one. after the test we synced back to the lobby and everyone who failed got locked behind a steel wall while a huge robot screamed “OVERKILL” and shots from automatic 50 caliber guns rained down on them killing everyone. the steel wall then came down and all the peoples souls then lifted up and flew to this so called “planet” that the brotherhood was wanting to build. super crazy. second test was to be in an airplane with an automatic machine gun and a pistol. fly through space while zombies/human/pigs jumped on ur plane trying break in and u had to kill them. i did super bad and then we synced back to the lobby. somehow i was casted out to the back of jeep where people were walking by and saying hi….then i woke up