Date: 4/11/2020
By ladydmj
I was on a beach taking photos with S, & the sea suddenly came in again & overwhelmed us very quickly.. it was deep & dark, but somehow quite still. It was like we were on a huge wall/barrier & the sea overwhelmed us from both sides. He said, go swim over the sea cliff & take pictures. I argued with him, saying that we didn’t have the waterproof case on & that the cliff was so deep & dark, we wouldn’t see anything anyway. Next I was on a beach & walked down through a group of people, they teased me & said oh, here’s the one with the stroppy face from the water the other day. I just smiled & walked past them.. I couldn’t speak though, I felt embarrassed. Next I was assisting some kind of Photoshoot & was annoyed because I was more experienced than the person shooting. They couldn’t direct the people at all, so I came up with an idea to create a creative direction website for working with & directing normal people. Then something random.. I suddenly had a sore on my head & a manky plaster over it. I took off the plaster & a huge chunk of flesh came away.. really gross!