school cruise titanic era science os also fucking up my brain

Date: 10/22/2021

By oml.leilah

so i had a dream my scjool did a trip on a cruise and halfway through it budtednamd floodedbsnd i was last off nc i was on rhe bottpm floor in science and mr seifert couldnt even walk through the water and i was freaking the fuck out. im with evi or something studying and johndell comes to my house ?? and i think he likes my bc i saw it inbmy tarot so i just try and be nicer to him. then were in ms kisslings class and the tests aren’t salvaged sp sje asks me and like two others an exit question thats like “why does soda taste fresher when you shake i” and i was tellong her the right things and she was like “mmm welll youre on the right track” like bruh then k finally left and i was late for emglish class bit my folder for englishbwas so far away.