We Failed the Mission

Date: 9/17/2017

By Ivyveil

Our master, as in teacher, had left is on a dock while he went to go do something. The group of people(like five including me?) were all boys, besides me. This one boy, who I was real good friends with, started talking about that one time he and I used some water attack. He was explaining how to do it but I didn't understand a word. So we closed our eyes while sitting on the dock. I kept waiting for us to do it, but kept just saying focus. Before we could do it, our master showed up, and we abruptly stopped. We aren't supposed to do such dangerous magic. The master took us to a test chamber. It was like Portal but without portals. We had to get to a bath tub on the other side of some gap. There were people on the other side. The people next to me had a big long brown thing. If they pushed it down the ledge stairs thing we were on it would turn into a bridge. I had the same thing, except with water. I pushed it down and the water did flow around/under the bridge, but a serpent came out too. It was what my good friend and I had summoned that one time. It was like a shiinotic crossed with a drampa. I grabbed it and promptly threw it into the tub, in which it dragged me along. Everyone else was already in the tub. The master was still watching from afar as the serpent started circling us in the tub. Electricity started to come off of it. It was turning the water yellow, as if and egg was being beat. I saw the shape of Zane's head foundering in the yellow. (The ninja) My friend jumped out of the tub and I tried to follow suit. I only made it halfway out when the tub exploded in electricity. Then I fell to the ground. I looked in the tub but the only thing there was a burnt mark. I went and put on my pants, that I didn't know were lost, and thought/hoped that maybe they were eaten by the thing and are now in the ocean? ? My friend and I looked at each other panicking. The master glowered down at us and was clearly about to yell a lot and punish us. Luckily, I woke up.