Coming to Justine’s Defense

Date: 4/26/2024

By briannagio

I’m in the office at Journey and a short white man in oversized, purple basketball jersey walks in. He’s very tan, has a salt and pepper crewcut, and speaks with a very strong New York accent. Justine is assisting him when she politely lets him know that she has to run out to receive a Costco order. He starts yelling at her but she goes out anyway. He turns to me and continues yelling about how ridiculously she treated him. I let him know that she needed to go get food and that she’d be right back. Still yelling, he says “food fa what?!” and matching his attitude, I said “for our staff… it’s a part of her job.” He says “what? Is the cheesecake not enough?!” and he’s suddenly holding a package of store-bought cheesecakes bites. He begins tossing them around to a couple of guys who have also suddenly appeared and they all catch the cheesecake bites in their mouths. I turn to Audrey, who seems to have innocently been walking by the chaos, and I say “I don’t know what to do with these guys because I’m about to lose it on him” (referring to the one in the purple jersey).